Example sentences of "[verb] if [not/n't] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Most people have not been indoctrinated into religious faith but into a questioning or ignoring of religion as basically superseded if not actually false .
2 Every castle and site of consequence has its guide book , and many of these are well written if not actually comprehensive .
3 In the View from the Hotel Mistral Braque had been influenced decisively by Cézanne , and a significant and till recently little known Landscape with Houses , executed probably a month or two later shows him putting his studies of Cézanne to daring if not totally satisfactory conclusions .
4 In non-orthodox circles also the blood taboo , in culturally received if not strictly religious terms , is strong and is observed to varying degrees in context of inter-personal relations .
5 Although upper or middle class women in the 18th century managed to negotiate ways in which to participate in the intellectual culture of their day — this is the age of the so-called blue stockings , fashionable women who banned gambling at their parties and invited clever people to come and converse wittily with each other — this period also witnessed the emergence of a sexually discriminating language , which defined women as the gentle and sentimental sex , and proposed a passive ideal of femininity closely tied to nature and biologically determined nurturing role in which intelligence and imagination were to be banished if not carefully hidden — masked .
6 Earlier trials of questions similar to those below suggested that Imperial units would be frequently given if not specifically excluded in the rubric .
7 He shrugged and said that he loved her , which was reassuring to hear if not particularly helpful .
8 Their abuse was tolerated if not actually encouraged by the general public .
9 However , they provide a basis for research , because they are ‘ not directly accessible to measurement ’ but their ‘ postulated components can be easily assessed if not immediately quantified ’ .
10 It was game and set if not yet match .
11 Had she really agreed to live if not exactly in a wilderness , yet certainly in a place which gave every appearance of being truly rural ?
12 Thus Hilton says : But he is aware of the extremely close if not absolutely inseparable connection between the two modes of knowing , for : This shadow is cast by the body of Christ through the light of God .
13 Dillon LJ doubted the distinction between the two sorts of decisions : " Even speaking valuations may say much or little ; they may be voluble or taciturn if not wholly dumb . "
14 It is particularly commonly seen in highland New Guinea , an island where spineless forms of the sago palm , Metroxylon sagu , have been selected ; several fruit-trees are encouraged if not actively cultivated there .
15 I think if not ever .
16 Prijon plastic definitely ameliorates if not quite gets rid of this problem .
17 By then he was composed if not actually welcoming , but he was too late .
18 The entire painting was thus conceived if not exactly as a kind of memento mori , at least as a statement about sexual compulsion and gratification and concomitant feelings of disgust , danger and fear of disease .
19 But mainly these diseases have now been er controlled if not completely eradicated and as a result the world 's population is er is likely to zoom up as you can see right off the top end of the , of the graph and we 're expecting something like eight billion people er and , and still rising at the end of the , of the century and it 'll be some time way into the next century before the world 's population actually starts to er er to level out .
20 Part of that reordering was Gloucester 's exchange of Skipton in Craven for Chirk in 1475 , endorsed if not actually organized by the crown , which was a tacit acknowledgement of the division of power between the Stanleys and Gloucester .
21 Part of that reordering was Gloucester 's exchange of Skipton in Craven for Chirk in 1475 , endorsed if not actually organized by the crown , which was a tacit acknowledgement of the division of power between the Stanleys and Gloucester .
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