Example sentences of "[verb] their [noun pl] on " in BNC.

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1 Credit Management apologises to Infocheck and Infolink for transposing their names on page 8 of last month 's issue .
2 ‘ 17. … article 30 of the Treaty must be interpreted as meaning that the prohibition which it lays down does not apply to national rules prohibiting retailers from opening their premises on Sunday where the restrictive effects on Community trade which may result therefrom do not exceed the effects intrinsic to rules of that kind .
3 For example , in one case the government sought an interim injunction to restrain a drug company from disobeying a statutory order regulating the price it could charge the NHS for its drugs ; and in a recent series of cases local authorities have sought interim injunctions against traders to restrain them from opening their businesses on Sunday in breach of Sunday trading laws .
4 Jakobson and Riffaterre base their poetics on a similar sort of assumption , when they define literary uses of language as both distinctive and measurable .
5 Most descriptive studies in Britain base their classifications on the Registrar-General 's ranking of occupations from I to V , according to their supposed prestige , with a major division between middle-class or white-collar workers ( I , II , and III non-manual ) and working-class or manual workers ( III manual , IV and V ) .
6 The better known propounders of innate human aggression are Lorenz ( 1966 ) , Morris ( 1967 ) , Ardrey ( 1966 ) , Storr ( 1968 ) , Konner ( 1984 ; see Carrithers , this volume ) , Tiger and Fox ( 1971 ) , Tiger ( 1969 ) , and Eibl-Eibesfeldt ( 1979 ) : all of whom , to varying degrees , base their conclusions on animal behaviour and link these with a theory of the role of violence in hominid evolution .
7 The new companies , many of them under a year old and employing no more than a couple of dozen people , base their computers on processor chips imported from the US .
8 They base their recommendations on an analysis of 19 randomised controlled trials that examined the effectiveness of surgical interventions for glue ear .
9 But it is not yet clear whether they base their judgements on their own features , or whether they have become habituated to the characteristics of their full-sister group .
10 Although there are some fairly minor local variations ( because of the quality of the local water , for example ) , most water companies base their bye-laws on a set of ‘ Model Water Bye-laws ’ , so there is a degree of consistency across the country .
11 The participants place their fingers on the top of an upturned glass or pointer on castors .
12 To get the distances correct , have them place their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them .
13 In the past , the young store cattle were sold after a few months to farmers on the UK mainland but recently the EEC has guaranteed high prices for beef and so many farmers have fattened their calves on their own farms .
14 During this year , seconded to an ESRC personal research grant , Professor Davies works on the third and fourth volumes of Industrialisation , and together with Dr Wheatcroft begins preparation of a book summarising their findings on quantitative aspects of Soviet economic development .
15 Before leaving for Brixton , Inspectors should brief their men on local customs and traditions .
16 To add to the general gothic touch , the now released pigeons fly around depositing their droppings on the dead body .
17 Amid signs of increasing desperation , Bush appeared to adopt a two-pronged strategy , using his powers as President to take actions calculated to improve his popularity , while his campaign staff increased the negative content of the campaign by intensifying their attacks on the character of Clinton , particularly in regard to his attempts as a student to avoid being drafted to Vietnam .
18 Even the Nato arms controllers meeting in Vienna , whose job it is to negotiate East-West reductions in conventional armed forces , can only pursue their objectives on the basis of confrontation between their alliance and the Warsaw Pact .
19 Today you have watched our mandarins banging their foreheads on the flagstones — but not for our emperor !
20 In the Wimpy after 2001 we imitated the apes banging their bones on the ground with our knives and forks on the formica table .
21 However , most February 29 babies celebrate their birthdays on February 28 .
22 Potato brown rot has only affected a few tonnes on one farm so far … but experts are keeping their eyes on it .
23 Deputy chairs Boris Isayev and Svetlana Goryacheva , who had been among those seeking Yeltsin 's resignation in April 1991 [ see p. 38130 ] , had resigned their posts on Oct. 24 .
24 Past contributions had not been calculated to cover such expenditure , but societies felt an obligation to protect faithful members from ending their days on poor relief .
25 In the second and third years , they have an opportunity to concentrate their studies on particular aspects of human geography , including population geography , historical geography , regional development in the European Community , Third World development , environment , conflict and planning in the countryside , population mobility , and the conservation of natural and man-made elements of the urban and rural heritage ( particularly in Ireland ) .
26 As a result , the majority of farmers continued to concentrate their efforts on the production of food for their own families , rather than for the market .
27 It is hoped that most governors would spend the whole of their service without having to face such an unwelcome decision as the dismissal of a member of staff and would be able to concentrate their efforts on engaging and supporting the best people to carry out the educational tasks for which they were responsible .
28 The development tools allow programmers to concentrate their efforts on the finer points of the program without having to worry about compatibility problems .
29 In its initial statement , UNITA said that Gen. Miguel N'Zau Puna and Gen. Tony da Costa Fernandes had asked to be relieved of their duties in order to concentrate their efforts on a resolution to the issue of the secession of the Cabinda enclave .
30 Even though mammals lavish such care and attention on their young , they still have the same two options open to insects and fish , crabs and reptiles — whether to concentrate their energies on producing as many young as possible and then let them fend for themselves , or whether to restrict the numbers to very few but look after them carefully .
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