Example sentences of "[verb] or [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Or did he think Or did he think it was pneumonia ?
2 If she had sobbed or fainted or begged him , he would probably have given way .
3 We left as darkness was descending on that foreboding place and nothing could have made us stay or convinced us that there was not something awful waiting in the station .
4 Simon , did Steve stay or did he just leave you there ?
5 Who owned or used it ?
6 What major good were we producing or did we start producing around nineteen seventy seven ?
7 If she asked or noticed it , he would blame it on the college refusal .
8 As time goes on the need for such support will , obviously , diminish — it 's more than likely that your staff will become more conversant with the product than the person who either sold or trained them on it .
9 Once a patient is sedated or anaesthetized he is completely unable to care for himself and he is dependent upon the theatre team to ensure his safety .
10 And it was just a pity that the material she was given or told us to read , she said was too advanced for us .
11 Where a summons or other originating process has been served on a defendant by post or insertion in his letter-box under Ord 7 , 4 10(1) ( b ) or 4(a) or r 13(1) ( b ) or ( 4 ) and after judgment has been given or entered it appears to the court that the process did not come to the knowledge of the defendant in time , the court may of its own motion set aside the judgment and may give any direction or make any such order as the court may think just .
12 The man heard or sensed him at the last moment and turned with his hands coming up to a fighting stance but Maxim feinted through them and hit him low in the stomach .
13 No one was allowed to resign ; people served until the Shah dismissed or moved them .
14 You see , you know I was talking to you earlier about , about punchlines basically , but I ca n't remember the words I was using for it , times like by the way , right right , or did you know or did I mention to you do you follow me , a lot of key lines that you can think on that you use
15 three or four times I had to speak to him last night , and you never said a word , you just pretended or said you did n't hear
16 They read and reread , often looking quite abstracted , memorizing passages silently , their eyes far off ; and when ideas eluded or baffled them they would turn to one another for help , each sister seeming to draw strength and comfort from the other 's closeness .
17 Whatever it was that lured or drove them there , these creatures , over the millennia , lumbering after their food , became more and more efficient at moving and breathing out of water .
18 Had he been caught or had he panicked he could well have been in very serious trouble : the charming young tearaway could have become a court case .
19 Every time I get caught or arrested I get asthma .
20 While the car is being repaired or serviced we ignore any limitations as to driving or use as shown in the policy schedule .
21 While the car is being repaired or serviced we ignore any limitations as to driving or use as shown in the policy schedule .
22 While the car is being repaired or serviced we ignore any limitations as to driving or use as shown in the policy schedule .
23 While the car is being repaired or serviced we ignore any limitations as to driving or use as shown in the policy schedule .
24 If you injured or offended them , ’ Thomas turned and pointed to the carvings on the rocky outcrop , a woman with large generous thighs and huge round breasts , ‘ they would put you in a wicker basket and burn you alive , an offering to their Mother Goddess . ’
25 Anthropologists are necessarily translators : they ‘ translate culture ’ in an attempt to make exotic experience intelligible to others who have not suffered or enjoyed it .
26 Whatever people like Page may have felt or thought they felt about the Vietnam war , it is difficult not to regard them as much its victims as its predators .
27 They will not attack , but if disturbed or cornered they will defend themselves .
28 When he was sure that there was no chance of being disturbed or observed he undid the flap at the top of the bag and reached inside .
29 But her happenings were transformed by the characters who caused or suffered them ; she was an artist , unlike the Goncourts , who attached happenings to characters quite arbitrarily to suit their convenience .
30 did you have it made or did you buy it ?
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