Example sentences of "[verb] we can [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Once we have achieved the result we want we can then decide whether laser printed output is suitable or use the services of a bureau to get the same file photoset on the higher resolution equipment .
2 ‘ If you can hit your killer 's face before you croak we can probably get him , ’ SOCO said helpfully , as he examined a gory piece of Sellotape before slipping it into one of his brown paper bags and carefully labelling it .
3 Now Christmas has come we can really get down to it . ’
4 Well h we 'll have two a day I think that 's if you say we can great I mean
5 Are you going to , when you do your care packages say we can only award so much , we 'll have to reduce it , arbitrarily ?
6 The football authorities say we can now concentrate on what happens on the field rather than the terrace , because hooliganism is being forced out of the game .
7 It 's combining forces really ; with Cozy 's thing it would have been mostly instrumental , including Cozy 's ‘ Greatest Hits ’ , but with Tony involved we can legitimately do some Sabbath songs which he co-wrote , as we effectively have three quarters of the line-up .
8 The issues being reported we can fairly assume are relevant , to the customers and to taxpayers .
9 Ooh he says we can only pay you your travelling expenses .
10 Looking serious , he told his audience : ‘ I hope we can comfortably challenge each other ’ .
11 and hope we can still be friends ?
12 I 'm sorry and hope we can still be friends .
13 I said I hope we can still be friends .
14 I went erm I hope we can still be friends .
15 Home advantage will be a big factor next week , and I hope we can now finish off the job .
16 But in the light of what has been said we can also see that it was of especial significance in emancipating , not merely the hand from locomotion , but the brain from its reliance on chemical stimuli mediated by the sense of smell .
17 ‘ As far as I can see we can either go for Dersingham or for the man himself .
18 But I do not believe we can truly follow that great commandment unless we have a concept of care and concern for our fellow citizens which is reflected in the organisation of our society .
19 I 'm told we can now go to our next caller who 's Mandy calling from Freeland .
20 I do not think we can profitably continue Question Time .
21 ‘ I do n't really think we can necessarily say that it must be vitamin E that is a protective factor , but what we can now say is that fruit and vegetables seem to protect against heart disease , ’ says Professor James .
22 We can do , we 've just got to , I mean we 've just got to ask everyone to give a very brief report erm on another occasion and then it can be kept very short , I think though , there are , there are times when , when , you know , we do want to hear what 's going on with sort of er networks and campaigns , we do need that time as well do n't we , er so we ca n't , I do n't think we can always do it .
23 ‘ I do n't think we can really plan overseas ’ operations effectively , until we get full planning control from Detroit .
24 But I do n't think we can really er get to that stage beyond this first one .
25 ‘ I do n't think we can really say their ( the government 's ) hands are clean , ’ he said .
26 How do you think we can possibly afford this sort of thing ? "
27 We 'll give you another chance , I do n't think we can actually , well
28 It 's too easy , I think , to assume that women are n't aggressive and are sensitive and men are more aggressive and less sensitive because that 's the way society has wanted them to be in the past and children have grown up and lived up to those stereotypes , so I do n't think we can actually say yet that women can offer anything distinctive until we 've given them the chance to be themselves really .
29 I do n't know , I mean we can either take him up
30 Okay so if we 'd have started off I mean we can just take the constant straight out .
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