Example sentences of "[verb] we have get " in BNC.

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1 I expect we 've got something at home smaller .
2 When I look at animals , I realise we 've got a lot to learn from them . ’
3 Can I I know we 've got two people wanting to make comments on this .
4 We do n't you know we 've got clubs still waiting that we signed up last year .
5 d' ya know we 've got the wedding coming up and I dread , I keep trying hats on
6 erm , he said I do n't know we 've got to stop having the coffee , so I said well erm Sister had spoken
7 Did n't know we 'd got so many , did you ?
8 I did n't know we 'd got that in there , did you ?
9 Well we want we 've got twenty tapes to run
10 You forget we 've got spies , all the staff on this ward tell Jim exactly what you 've been doing er , that 's , that 's how he knew you got your hair done , can we have five pounds , she 's just had her hair permed , the day before he 's just coming in and , no they sent to the ward can we have five pounds please your mum 's been out for the day and she 's had her lunch out you cost him a fortune and you say you 've never been anywhere
11 And maybe hope that we as , as people as women need to do is regain control of our lives so they , they belong to us , so it does n't matter if if boys say we 've got fat bottoms or not , yo you say my bottom 's alright an and you live with that .
12 say we 've got it just running on a very weak mixture , erm
13 Erm I mean if you 've got something like , for example , erm say we 've got the one we 've just had .
14 Now let's keep the force the same , say we 've got a Mini engine providing us , just running it steady at three thousand R P M. Pushing out the same amount of force , keep the force the same , this time we put a smaller mass , we 've got a Mini engine and you 've put it on your pushbike .
15 Some people say we 've got them now .
16 When I say we 've got some trouble , we do , but it 's not like the trouble we had half an hour ago , when in fact there were three lines , sections of which there were no trains on at all .
17 If they say we 've got to pay it , well then I 'll have to come back at the council meeting .
18 If they say we 've got co I have n't got copy .
19 why do n't you wait and see what the numbers are like and then you can always ring up a few people and say we 've got a space if you 'd like to come
20 Yes erm now on erm Tuesday as I say we 've got five open races actually Peter , five open races on Tuesday , but erm one of the best erm things that happened to us is that the Pall Mall which is the biggest event erm in erm March , erm that 's being sponsored now by one of the track bookmakers called Max Thomas and the best thing about it is that erm he is erm putting in so much prize money with the major the supporting opens on our gala night , that erm there 's not a race worth in the open race , there 's not worth less than two hundred and erm there 's three races worth five hundred pounds each to the winner and the big race is worth five thousand so that 's an early erm plug for to keep in your diary , like the Pall Mall which is March the twenty third .
21 And unfortunately second half it did n't come right but as I say we 've got a point out of it so we still you know , kept ourselves unbeaten for a game or two , so we 've just got to try keep it going and take it from there .
22 I do n't want him to know we 've got divers aboard and I especially do n't want him to see me taking off with divers in the general direction of the Delos .
23 if that happens we 've got to market Intercity a lot harder than they are and take and take the work
24 ‘ Have n't you noticed we 've got a visitor ? ’
25 The hall maintenance , well I do n't know whether you 've all noticed we 've got a new sink out there , looks quite smart I think and you all agree the ones who 've seen it ?
26 Dad says we 've got to start on them at once . ’
27 I will be lacerated with drink tonight and , although the replay will be very difficult , the eternal optimist in me says we 've got a chance .
28 ‘ Well , me dad always says we 've got to be obligin' . ’
29 He says we 've got to be on the road by nine o'clock at the latest . ’
30 He says we 've got a job to do .
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