Example sentences of "[verb] she had a " in BNC.

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1 At least the neighbours would know she had a boyfriend with a car .
2 I did n't know she had a sense of humour . ’
3 I did n't know she had a dog , I thought it was a kit cat she had .
4 Dr Nick Walters , exercise physiologist at the University of Westminster , tested Margaret on his Futrex 5000 computer , which analyses body muscle , fat and water , and found she had a fat proportion of 28 per cent — well above her recommended level of 22 per cent .
5 Never having been aboard a ship before , she found she had a natural liking for the sea life : she suffered no seasickness at all , and as João had sent an excellent chef to cook her meals , she dined well and developed a taste for the green wine of Portugal .
6 Suddenly Rachel found she had a lump in her throat .
7 Say she had a win on the bingo and sent me my fare — God knows she 'd never have the money else .
8 Dr Howe … an Oxford graduate … had been a tutor in English at the Open University based at Foxcombe Hall in Oxford for the past two years … she 's recently published her first book … through Cambridge university Press called the First English Actresses … colleagues say she had a bright future .
9 gone , say she had a limit of eight hundred and think oh well I 'll do some more shopping oh can you up it another three or four hundred
10 She had never regarded herself as a very organised person , and did n't even consider she had a routine ; but when George retired , realised that she did have a kind of pattern .
11 Nothing was said to indicate she had a proprietary interest in the house .
12 And I 'll tell you something more : it would have been hidden up , as many another 's been , an' she would have been dumped somewhere , or found in the canal , but one of the lasses that found her had a screaming fit and ran out into the street , went barmy , they said , yelling , ‘ She 's hung herself !
13 She says she had a perfect childhood , an almost miraculous childhood .
14 Nick says she had a bigger same d , same dinner as what he did , he said he 's never seen a kid eat like it .
15 Helena Lisandrello says she had an affair with the actor after they met at a party in 1979 .
16 She would lift a corner of curtain up now and again , imagine she had a blaster with sights attachment , and use her would be playmates for target practice as they leapfrogged and hopscotched around the courtyard below .
17 I very much enjoyed the unpretentious vocal quality of Ruth Holton though would like to have felt she had a little bit more in reserve .
18 Two rows of pegs decorated her succulent crack , making it appear she had a wooden hedgehog between her legs .
19 ‘ She was well known in Aspull and it had been said she had a heart of gold . ’
20 A medical report estimated she had a mental age of seven years and nine months .
21 Then very shortly after her birth on New Year 's Day it was realised she had a heart problem .
22 Personally , I did n't think she had a chance .
23 The teacher asked , ‘ Why do you think she had a bump on her head ? ’
24 I do n't think she had a single dress with full sleeves .
25 ‘ Do you think she had a lover ? ’
26 In the castle , while baby Alan grew out of his six-week colic , there was an added sharpness to Marion Aluinn 's tongue , for she realised she had a more serious rival than any lass ; Lachlan 's rediscovered love of fighting .
27 all her sister 's energy and thinking her sister should , I mean she had a sister living with her and her sister had her own family with her , er a Mongol son , well I 'm afraid Margaret should n't of taken that attitude because she said ooh everywhere I go now there 's only me , now that 's being selfish , because she had three children and she should n't really of expected all her sisters to keep coming , they were living with her , you know
28 I mean she had a picture of him on the headstone and oh , thought she went over the top I 'm afraid and she get loads of support because then that Clifford was very popular and er his was
29 Because transplanted quail cells will behave normally in chick embryos , she realized she had an invaluable natural marker .
30 ‘ But I would have guessed she had a good head for holding her drink .
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