Example sentences of "[verb] she from [art] " in BNC.

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1 As a comment on Eve 's lofty nature she notes that the serpent ‘ did not try to tempt her from the path of duty by brilliant jewels , rich dresses , worldly luxuries or pleasures , but with the promise of knowledge … and he found in the woman that intense thirst for knowledge that the simple pleasures of picking flowers and talking with Adam did not satisfy ’ .
2 A thick hedge shielded her from the field which swept down towards the foot of the embankment .
3 The buoy shielded her from the view of the guards , and she used that advantage to get her breath back .
4 The rocks she sat behind shielded her from the lodge and the staff-cabins .
5 He just walked into her room , closed the door and came across to her , and Maggie stared at him wildly as he took her arm , drew her from the balcony and shut the french window ,
6 Ginny could only suppose that Ralph thought he was protecting her from a possible nuisance .
7 Since the firm he works for won the contract for the Statue of Liberty , it has been responsible for protecting her from the ravages of harsh Atlantic weather .
8 ‘ Her legs were bandaged in leather swathes , protecting her from the long , cruel needles of the prickly pear .
9 That kind of insight can free her from the constraints of the inner voice which effectively commands her , ‘ Turn right here .
10 ( The truth is I do n't want to forgive her , because it will free her from the grappling irons I have on her .
11 As though she had seen something which disturbed her from the window of the apartment .
12 Dom João offered her his hand and helped her from the litter .
13 Damian helped her from the Mercedes .
14 There , she is befriended by Stoney , a sexy rock ‘ n ’ roller who rescues her from a world of LSD that she has dropped into .
15 I had to isolate her from the rest . ’
16 She had never liked the arrangement that had installed her in the Ward household , but having heard the tragic story , and knowing how much it meant to the woman who had rescued her from a life of loneliness , how could she refuse ?
17 Thomas was sure the other androids would have rescued her from the burning ship but , discovering she was not part of their mission , would then have executed her .
18 The fact that she had been the ship that had sunk the Rawalpindi and killed my father did not seem to me to be a valid reason for omitting her from the series , for apart from the utter impersonality of a modern sea battle , she was by far the most successful of all the major German surface ships as well as being the happiest .
19 With his usual lightning-swift reactions he took advantage of the moment to pull her from the bed , and as she stumbled against him , his arms tightened about her involuntarily .
20 It seemed to be the only real thing in the universe ; the temple , the city , the motorspeeder , all of these were illusions devised to distract her from the important issues , the real business of life .
21 But still less did she want to make a scene or create any kind of curiosity amongst the people she had just left , so she allowed him to lead her from the room , saying , ‘ Yes , we needed to discuss those — er — charts , did n't we , Dr Russell ? ’ in case anyone was still listening .
22 She had just stood there , scarcely able to breathe , and aware that only a hair 's breadth of control separated her from a fury that would shake her to her soul .
23 Finally , she left for the airfield in a pale-green safari suit , which marked her a soldier 's wife but distinguished her from the lesser spouses .
24 Yes , they had been neighbours in Shrewsbury , but of course they had only seen each other during the school holidays , and of course they had n't made friends over some grotty little terrace-house garden fence ; he 'd first noticed her from the tree house in his parents ' garden while she was learning to ride her new pony in her parents ' ten acres of mature woodland and well-kept pasture .
25 Linda recognised her from the previous day at school .
26 She was running wildly when the two college students saw her and recognised her from the party as Greg 's girlfriend .
27 She remembered mother 's compassion in saving her from the certain shock of such evil envelopes .
28 If Marc was the ogre guarding the crock of gold , then Peter had to be cast as the white knight , saving her from the dreaded dragon !
29 By the end of this scene , however , Terentia expresses fulsome gratitude to Dycarbas for saving her from an uncle who had wanted to steal her inheritance .
30 Dreamer came up to Tallis and tugged and twisted her from the frozen ground .
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