Example sentences of "[verb] she tell him " in BNC.

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1 Margrida 's absence would enable her to tell him that she wished him to cut down on the pretending — and on his caresses .
2 I heard him ask her to pass the salt and I heard her tell him to fill the van with petrol and unpack the crates — nothing more than that .
3 ‘ I reckon she told him the youngest boy was his worked on him that way .
4 ‘ You mean her telling him the way she did ? ’
5 If he knew how old she was he might want her to tell him what she had been doing the last few years .
6 He made her tell him .
7 He asked her to tell him more about the house .
8 She told him what Mrs Gotobed had asked her to tell him , her exact words , and then explained what she was sure she had meant .
9 On Joe 's previous leave he had noticed how quiet and unhappy she seemed , and persuaded her to tell him the reason .
10 ‘ Her father must have wondered where the money came from ; what did she tell him ? ’
11 Not until they were within , the door closed after them , and the silence of the thick walls like a seal against the world , did she tell him what manner of guest she had invited to his dwelling , and how soon he was to have his wish .
12 Did she tell him ?
13 Mr Stuart-Moore alleged that Alison 's murderer had forced her to tell him this personal detail after handcuffing her , torturing and assaulting her before killing her .
14 Presumably Camb 's going to try and get her to tell him just why a seasoned driver like Fanshawe overturned his car on an empty road .
15 He was joking on , trying to get her to tell him yesterday .
16 How much had she told him ?
17 Now , why had she told him that ?
18 Penman had even filled a port decanter , Alexandra noticed , deducing quite rightly , that as she would hardly drink any , Christmas munificence would prompt her to tell him to help himself .
19 There was a harshness on his face as he moved towards her , a determination to make her tell him the answers he sought , and she looked away .
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