Example sentences of "[verb] by that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As an example , he contends that ‘ communism is a transference to the party state of the moral traits and the regulatory mechanisms of the exogamous community family ’ ( p. 33 ) , so that the electoral success of communist parties had occurred only in areas dominated by that family type , whereas in France ‘ Socialism … follows on quite naturally from Catholicism ’ ( p. 86 ) .
2 They do n't wish it to happen , but it becomes an impossibility almost for them to stand up to their rights , and Mr talks about rights and no rights is in abstract and we all know how difficult it is then to stand up as a minority when you 're surrounded by that majority , but I 've had personal representations
3 A firm must take reasonable steps to ensure that it does not make any personal recommendation to a private customer of an investment or investment agreement , or effect or arrange a discretionary transaction with or for an customer , unless the recommendation or transaction is suitable for him , having regard to the facts disclosed by that customer and other relevant facts about the customer of which the firm is or reasonably should be aware .
4 A firm must take all reasonable steps to ensure that it does not give investment advice to , nor effect , a discretionary transaction with or for , a private customer , unless that advice or transaction is suitable for him having regard to the facts disclosed by that customer or other relevant facts about the customer of which the firm is or ought reasonably to be aware .
5 Maybe , however , someone 's memory will have been nudged by that photo flashed on television screens six weeks ago .
6 The Conservative party 's attitude is epitomised by that statement and followed through by the Audit Commission .
7 Each product group would be represented as a circle on the portfolio grid , where the size of each circle relative to those for other product groups indicated the proportion of group profits earned by that product group .
8 The matching colour scheme is extended to all commodities , so that a given company may prefer to purchase machine tools manufactured by a firm with a reputation for design in microchips , attracted by that firm 's modern hi-tech image rather than its reputation for efficiency ( Fry 1982 ) .
9 Thus , if in year 1 X is charged under s739 on the income arising in his overseas discretionary trust or in a company owned by that trust and that money is , for instance , then lent to him , the loan of the money would not give rise to any further charge .
10 Well that depends on the club that he goes to , I mean if the club can afford to buy him erm I always think it 's better on the long term policy , that a rider actually rides for a club is owned by that club .
11 That came through their being cooped up at Jerusalem in the persecution which followed on the death of Stephen : as a result of the ordinary followers of Jesus being scattered by that persecution , they were able to preach the good news along the Phoenician seaboard until they came to Antioch , later to become the home of the Gentile mission .
12 Nora was not nearly so impressed by that sort of thing as her cousin but she admitted to herself that it was unlikely a man from such a background would be deceiving Constance .
13 Our interpretation is that gas-phase HNO 3 has by that time been sequestered in the condensed phase by heterogeneous reactions on polar stratospheric cloud surfaces , forming nitric acid trihydrate as temperatures fell below 196K in winter It is probable that a substantial fraction of nitric acid has not only been lost from the gas phase , but also removed from the stratosphere by the growth and subsequent sedimentation of aerosol particles .
14 ‘ It ought to be called ‘ The Barber of Fawlty Towers ’ since Peter Knapp 's hilarious version of Rossini 's classic deserves the same sort of popularity enjoyed by that series ’ The Guardian Sun in English by Travelling Opera Directed by Peter Knapp
15 For instance , the paragraph attached to ‘ hypertext has history ’ would be preceded by that triple in the paper document .
16 Windsock Datafiles from Albatross Publications continue to detail World War One types : Sopwith Pup ( 40pp , illus , sbk , £12.95 ) is edited by that master of early aircraft , Jack Bruce .
17 The accursed history of autocracy has left us a legacy of tremendous estrangement between the working classes of the various nationalities oppressed by that autocracy .
18 It is later further modified by that element of the mind that exerts a kind of moral judgement on what we do and think , the super-ego .
19 ‘ Is it true Old Red just happened to pass by that morning ? ’
20 The job of the elder to stand by that child and , and see to its Christian nurture thereafter .
21 It should be obvious that a dissonance sounded by one instrument must be resolved by that instrument ( unless there is a complete break-off and a rest or pause separating the discord from what follows ) , but it is the writer 's experience that beginners do not always realize the musical necessity for this .
22 Just to add to what 's been said erm there , there have been some points raised er along the lines I 've mentioned and as a result of that erm it is felt that erm notification to members who are not on the application sub-committee of applications which affect their ward area could be improved and that is er I hope to be the subject of a report to the next meeting of the Application Sub-Committee , so that er matter i is something which is , which is being picked up and will be considered by that sub-committee but it does give me the opportunity to say that erm the definition of a complaint i is certainly not a precise one and I certainly would n't want members of this committee to feel that I was being complacent er as a result of there only being three complaints that we received .
23 This means that when one is treating a patient with homoeopathy , a substance is used which produces in a healthy person symptoms and signs similar to those presented by that patient .
24 St Bartholomew 's was among hospitals threatened by that report — but it was saved by Mrs Bottomley .
25 They were done by that forger Elmyr de Hory who lived on Ibiza .
26 ( 25 ) If someone who has been instructed to construct a building is prepared to give the money to the town for it to do so itself , since the testator wished this to be done by that person himself , his plea will not be heard : so ruled the late emperor Marcus in a rescript .
27 ’ And then , softly , ‘ And indeed , the damage was done by that time .
28 Empowered by that Spirit , and bearing witness to the crucified and risen Jesus , the early Christians and succeeding generations alike have found hard hearts softened , strong men brought to repentance , sceptics coming to faith , and people of all ages , backgrounds and classes coming to taste the salvation of the messianic community and being born into the very family of God .
29 It 's the first session when they have actually identified some of the strands that you are going to pursue and then subsequently looking is framed by that decision .
30 Any desire for an avant-garde negation has to be framed by that context : a context which invites a combination of modesty and cunning — the bouncing of complicity and difference , for example — rather than the heroic agonism of the historic avant garde , or the desperate formalism of the once-and-for-all ‘ progressive ’ text .
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