Example sentences of "[verb] they in to " in BNC.

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1 And all I say in response is , please get up , write on petitions , send them in to M Ps , send them in to the unions .
2 And all I say in response is , please get up , write on petitions , send them in to M Ps , send them in to the unions .
3 There is always someone somewhere who is going to say — ‘ Why must we have fund raising ? ’ — Unfortunately because of the financial climate today it is always going to have to be a part of our Medau way of life — anyway this ‘ do your own thing ’ method has proved so popular we plan to continued in to 1986 with your help , of course — but — if you have any brilliant ideas for our next venture please send them in to the Office .
4 Yggdrasil ran the Tunney and Bishopric Conscriptions routinely , on a subconscious level , and did n't tie them in to Princetown until it cross-referenced with skimmer flightpaths and power outage in the west of England .
5 Theodora lifted an eyebrow and with a caught glance drew them in to introductions .
6 The King 's Fund found that good projects involved families in the planning of services and built them in to the system in such a way that they felt their important role was appreciated .
7 One way to see plenty of birds at close range is to attract them in to your own garden .
8 In the hope that it will lock them in to the MIPS Computer Systems Inc RISC family , Silicon Graphics Inc has persuaded eight of the major MIPS chip users and fabricators — Control Data Systems Inc , Integrated Device Technology Inc , NEC Corp , Sumishomo Electronics Co Ltd , Sumitomo Corp , Tandem Computers Inc , Tata Enterprises Overseas Pte Ltd and Toshiba America Electronic Components Inc to participate in a modest way in the share offering it is making to raise cash to bolster the balance sheet of its MIPS Computer Systems acquisition .
9 Bridget Ewing has indicated her willingness to once again stand for re-election ; however if there are any nominations for this position will you please send them in to Hilda at the Office by 2nd April or as time is short and you know of anyone who would like to be proposed — please ring Hilda with her name BUT this must be followed up with written confirmation .
10 We should have that in a few minutes on the , the quotes side , Mark 's gon na bring them in to me .
11 Finish off the sides by turning them in to the wrong side on the creaselines , with the interlining .
12 He folded up his uniform , placed his helmet on top , boots by the side , marched across the parade ground and handed them in to the quartermaster .
13 In his imagination he saw Brückner stuffing them in to his pockets , wrapped in the clothing of the woman he had raped , while his companion murdered her .
14 you see , I mean what they do is soon as they 've kicked them out in the mental homes they 're having to put them in to erm , I mean erm , there are people who are not able to be on their own , I mean the ones they 've kicked out are people that have been depressed and say well you 've got to find , get your family to help , I mean , when you 've got somebody depressed in your family you try and help them
15 The cultural value of all these activities was thought to be negligible but at least some useful qualities were being inculcated and above all their commercial basis bound them in to the mainstream organization and values of middle-class society .
16 You can take them in to Mrs Wilkins and maybe she could do something with them .
17 I want you to send them in to me , and here 's where er it becomes a little bit different from other competitions , I want you to send them in to me on a Christmas card please .
18 I want you to send them in to me , and here 's where er it becomes a little bit different from other competitions , I want you to send them in to me on a Christmas card please .
19 In the back of the car taking them in to Paris , he sat with his hands clasped on his bare knees , and a tight closed expression on his face .
20 THREE police football teams were too busy tackling crime to play all their fixtures — so they invented bogus results and sent them in to the league .
21 I mean I 'll bung them in to you at some point
22 It would have obviously been complicated to get them in to Darlington so we sent the lecturer to them .
23 A successful private deal also means that creditors and shareholders have reached a voluntary consensus , which binds them in to the firm 's future health .
24 They are used in a number of ways ; you can add them to your bath , massage them in to the skin and there are vapourisers to combat the effects of colds .
25 But if I can move on just for a second , erm when you get over and above that , we have problems where people that are purchasing those sort of vehicles can not afford , with the best will in the world , to take them in to the main agents and have a full service , although they should do , but if you ca n't afford to do that and these are the problems that we had , so we actually changed that .
26 Someone must have buried them when they were too frightened to hand them in to the police station .
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