Example sentences of "[verb] you could just " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Sorry to ask this , Dwayne , but do you think you could just … ’
2 Do you think you could just open the door for me please !
3 Do you think you could just sweep that up
4 That 's , that 's Now when you 've got an A squared minus B squared , you can factorize that I mean you could just do that on your calculator , and do it in one go , but it 's quite easy to do it as three point O one .
5 and the skin you just had to press the skin and , and the oh it was all , you know you could just
6 But , you know you could just George .
7 I suppose you could just imagine that ring had slipped off your finger , that would bring a few tears .
8 Still , I suppose you could just tell the police and — ’
9 Look , if you do n't mind a bit of running you could just come as far as the Tube with me and we could continue this conversation on the way .
10 And you thought you could just walk in — ’
11 If they get a bit tetchy and and they 're crying a lot maybe cos they 're teething you could just massage a little bit on their temples .
12 Cos you just sit there and , do you think you can lend me some money , please , I promise I 'll pay you back , and they 'll all give you about ten P , some of them give you fifty , some of them give you twenty got about , I was thinking you could just go in there and save up for all your Christmas shopping could n't you ?
13 Oh yeah , cos when we lived at you see you could just go to sleep and that 's it you knew that nowt was gon na happen .
14 No , well there were n't much to see if your hopper was full , you ai n't got far to go cos they only come about a foot off side , you see you could just kneel down there and catch 'em .
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