Example sentences of "[verb] you [am/are] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Let them know you 're around and I can say on behalf of the Labour MPs of Nottinghamshire , you 'll have our full support .
2 ‘ I 'll let headquarters know you 're here , ’ Sharpe said .
3 Bernard does n't even know you 're here .
4 I 'll let him know you 're here . ’
5 ‘ Does your grandfather know you 're here ? ’
6 ‘ How do I know you 're not Anneka Rice ? ’ ?
7 How do you know you 're not paying now for something you 'll get later ? )
8 Right so you do n't know you 're not too sure about centimetres and millimetres hey ?
9 ‘ How do I know you 're not going to disappear ? ’
10 Well in a sense how do you know you 're not , as it were you know in many cases .
11 At least let them know you 're not going .
12 I do n't know you 're not well your father 's getting
13 So in some states it 's sixteen , in some states it 's eighteen , in some states twenty one er and Reagan thought it would be quite a good idea if they had uniformity across America er in which , you know , that they would raise the drinking age to twenty one er and this would then er reduce the incidence of teenage drunk driving and if you 've ever been in an American bar you will know you 're very often funnily enough they do n't ask me so much these days but you 're very often asked to prove your age , you know , er and you have to produce your driver 's licence and all the rest of it erm and so he increasing
14 ‘ I 'm going to get right back to these producers and let 'em know you 're back in the picture .
15 She wo n't even know you 're there .
16 ‘ Does your mother know you 're out ? ’
17 Second , there is something right about an argument which holds , as does the argument from error , that for the very same sort of reason that you do n't know you are not a brain in a vat , you do n't know , e.g. , that The Times will be published tomorrow , nor whether you are sitting reading .
18 Nozick anyway could not hold that it does , because his position relies on the independent proof it provides that you do n't know you are not a brain in a vat .
19 How do you know you are not distorting the situation totally because everyone know they 're taking part in an evaluation exercise ?
20 Does your mother know you are here ? ’
21 Before the start , just let them know you are there and do n't let anyone crowd you ; try and make as much space for yourself as you can .
22 At least a good-quality er(m) lets the listener know you are still alive .
23 How do I know you are as worthy as he ?
24 Pity you 're not called Simon Thospson , though , 'coz then you could make the anagram ‘ Hot on Simpsons ’ out of your name !
25 Ye ’ tink you 're sometin' bot you 're only tall .
26 ‘ We get paid to win games , and if you do n't win you 're not doing your job properly .
27 I firmly believe that if you understand what is happening you 're more likely to enjoy using your equipment and more likely to use it successfully .
28 And have you forgotten you 're down to cook tonight ? ’
29 I do hope you do n't think this is presumptuous , and I expect you are very busy generally , but perhaps you and your husband would like to come here for supper one evening , or we could go out somewhere , or if it 's easier , I could drop in to you one evening for a short time for a chat .
30 It is good that you are able to look after your friend with the sick husband , and I expect you are still seeing Maureen .
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