Example sentences of "[verb] that we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Again there is marked variation from one person to another and from one week to another in the amount of dream sleep that we get .
2 I 'm just praying that we win it .
3 We have all wished that we 'd had the perfect retort at some time , but most of us can only think of something smart about three days later .
4 In all of what conceptual situations , so to speak , is it to be supposed that we have a single conception rather than several related ones ?
5 I suggest that we proceed along those lines and look for the most economic way to alleviate my constituents ' problems while not doing too much damage to my hon. Friend 's constituents .
6 And then my study Bible suggest that we read this .
7 I suggest that we substitute for this what might be called a ‘ relative autonomy ’ rule .
8 Most of us try to stop fights , if only to protect the smaller child , but many experts suggest that we interfere too soon .
9 I suggest that we take them not only seriously but literally , since they represent the very root of the relationship around which the Sonnets are structured .
10 ‘ I suggest that we try to put our differences aside for the next few hours and get on with the business at hand . ’
11 I suggest that we delay announcing our existence to the press until we have a name and clearly stated function .
12 Contemporary studies of both policy making and policy implementation suggest that we need to give attention to some very complex relationships between the mixed goals of those able to influence policies and the varied consequences of their interventions .
13 It therefore states that many British trade unionists now suggest that we need a new industrial relations institution where a wide agenda of issues can be discussed between managers and employee representatives that work company level .
14 it does that I suggest that we look at it again tomorrow .
15 " I suggest that we meet here at nine and go along to Ingard House together . "
16 Is there not some hypocrisy when the Opposition talk of problems of unemployment and housing , yet suggest that we add to them — — by advocating an open-door immigration policy that will mean more people coming to our constituencies and competing for homes and jobs ?
17 McAllion ) very seriously and I suggest that we debate them in a sensible manner .
18 ‘ I suggest that we pay a visit to the hospital this morning — although I 'm not sure whether we 'll be allowed to see Liz and Owen .
19 The figures suggest that we have .
20 I am doubtful ; I suggest that we have all just become more aware of it in recent years , more ready to take it into new forms .
21 These changes in mortality , especially among the old elderly , suggest that we have not reached the maximum human lifespan .
22 If you suggest that we have produced ineffective propaganda , that may well be true , but doctors are not trained to do that .
23 they , they suggest that we do
24 I suggest that we do the usual thing of passing that one round so that if anybody wants to read it they can read it .
25 Mother wept to see Father 's state , and proposed that we set out for Chiguana , the nearest town where we might expect to find a hospital , immediately .
26 I proposed that we fish the same swim , which was large enough to accommodate both of us without the risk of crossed lines .
27 ‘ You should also know that we consulted with your Corps commander this morning , ’ the Frenchman said , ‘ and he ordered that we should be given every possible assistance . ’
28 As for resources , the hon. Lady will know that we spent about £3 billion on the health service in Scotland last year , which is more than £600 per head for every man , woman and child in the country and represents an increase of about 38 per cent .
29 What have we got have a look I mean we do n't know that we 've draw this completely accurately .
30 I do know that we 've been trying to get er recognition for about fifteen years with that company but can we pursue that issue ?
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