Example sentences of "[verb] that [v-ing] on " in BNC.

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1 And you do n't need to be Italian to know that insisting on bringing a car in this mess is n't very bright .
2 Some people say that trotting on the roads helps harden the horse 's legs while others maintain that too much trotting mean too much concussion on legs and feet ; I follow the latter view and so we stayed in walk with the occasional gentle trot uphill .
3 Mervyn Gowell was a fitter at the plant and says that working on the Meteor was a labour of love .
4 W. B. Coley has written that depending on wealthy patrons presented writers of the period with two difficulties : ‘ ideological inconstancy and the threat of the loss of the dependency itself . ’
5 The study assumes that spending on pensions as a proportion of GDP increases in line with countries ' old-age dependency ratios .
6 You may feel that insisting on using a condom has the implication that you or your partner may have HIV .
7 Such people may believe that staying on friendly terms with the salesperson and at the end of the interview stating that they will think over the proposal is the best tactic in a no-buy situation .
8 The autumn statement shows that spending on science and technology in 1992-93 will be almost £6 billion .
9 And so you 'll see that working on the commissions six percent estimate , er we only need , according to this , erm just under twenty five thousand hours .
10 Now th he was saying that , it 's being argued here that , that very seldom is it that the punishment exceeded the crime , that they 're able to assess , look at the behaviour of the people in power before the movement er gathered pace and to , to , to assess how they er they were , how sort of humane and so on and , and by saying that depending on how you , you , you did before hand , you w you now your punishment , it will , will be a administered accordingly which is an interesting concept , I 'm not sure quite how accurate these assessments could 've been , I think really when things get going it 's er really very difficult to stop them .
11 In some instances boards decided that working on board business was sufficient training , whilst at the other end of the spectrum a combination of approaches was used , including the SOED units , talks by members of staff , school visits and attendance at area training sessions .
12 As good Marxists the Bolshevik leaders tended to believe that following on the eventual restoration and ‘ correct ’ development of favourable economic conditions , ‘ correct ’ social and political attitudes would also come about at all levels .
13 Erm to my self respect and I just I was determined that it was n't going to happen to my daughter , so in consequence I saw that working on the side to get to get the uniform so that she could go to school in a new uniform same as all the other kids as a necessity .
14 The attempt here is to highlight the inadequacy of the present legal approach where it is assumed that selling on credit , or leasing for the useful life of the equipment is not lending , and that reservation of title on sale does not constitute the creation of a security interest but is merely an agreement as to the time at which the property should pass to the buyer .
15 He insisted that focussing on human activities to fight global warming was misguided because ‘ 96 per cent of carbon dioxide that flows into the atmosphere comes from natural sources ’ .
16 we actually ended up with a lot more I P R people and we 'd done all the work and they got most of the money now that 's fine that 's the way life goes sometimes , but I must admit I think that depending on how big an event you want to make it you 're maybe as well to keep it an B A I E event and open it up quietly at the end
17 He said that stamping on the head of players on the ground was not acceptable to his team .
18 Cynical readers might be forgiven for thinking that concentrating on the minutiae of standards is a convenient way of avoiding the subject of how the industry is faring in a depressed market — but they would be wrong .
19 Ireland tagged along , trying to prove that playing on reserves of passion and pride were good enough .
20 We would argue that depending on the concept of accountability ( moral , professional , contractual ) that the procedure seeks to satisfy , and the features of the particular context ( sector of education , local pressures etc. ) , the individual criteria will assume relatively greater or lesser importance .
21 A " Political Column " by Shih Chun-yu , published in Ta Kung Bao of March 13 , suggested that focusing on economic development and fighting corruption while ignoring " Western propaganda on democracy and freedom " would encourage support for the party .
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