Example sentences of "[verb] he [that] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I know you did n't want me to come here tonight , but there is an enchanted magician in that box and I promised him that I would get him to you so that you could change him back .
2 Last but not least , Keith is an historian who has frequently visited Mexico and it does n't faze him that I , as a Mexican , should come to his country to write about its artists .
3 I assured him that I did not have the slightest idea where the Derby Cup was and had not made away with it .
4 I answered him with lies , happy that he was so interested after I 'd been certain that he 'd never say a word to me : I told him that I grew it myself , my family grew it , and it was everywhere like green grass and empty milk bottles in London ; it was really amazing hashish. wherever I threw its seeds it sprang up like flames leaping into the air .
5 But I told him that I had lost a lot of money but had gained a lot of things .
6 ‘ I told him that I wanted £5,000 from him .
7 I pressed my father 's hand and told him that I would protect his grave with my life .
8 ‘ So I suddenly told him that I wished I had a son .
9 I told him that I did n't really see the point in him talking to Frank and me separately .
10 I told him that I could do
11 I told him that I had heard he was involved in a recording project with Mo Foster .
12 I told him that I had the one that was n't — but had no symptoms at all and even felt ‘ high ’ .
13 And because he was sad , I put my hand on his shoulder , told him that I 'd known Billy to be a good little man ; funny , brave .
14 We met up , and I told him that I intended to collect pictures by the Avant-garde artists .
15 I told him that I had heard a great deal about his sister .
16 I then told him that I was collecting her works and would like to buy them from him .
17 When I told him that I would also like to buy a smaller Popova , he objected , ‘ No , I 'm keeping this because it 's small and it can always be hung anywhere , but these big ones … where can they go ? ’
18 I told him that I was English , an ex-paratrooper and that I had come to be a legionnaire .
19 I told him that I was a student and studying at London University , my course being Swahili and Economics .
20 He appeared satisfied when I told him that I did n't have a criminal record and shouted for somebody to come and show me upstairs .
21 I told him that I was and suddenly the ice was broken .
22 I told him that I thought he was much too gentle in his handling of the miners and the owners , and especially the latter , and that there were a lot of things he ought to have said .
23 He laughed back when I told him that I came from a poor barrio in Britain and that we were no longer referred to as people either .
24 When we met I told him that I did not think he had anything more urgent to attend to , and if he thought he had something more important , then his priorities were wrong .
25 I told him that I could not go on behalf of any party , but that I would go on behalf of the government if he came to power , since I knew the situation and could be of some help .
26 This seemed to me a poor reason for making the announcement and I told him that I strongly disapproved of his breach of trust .
27 Back down here I told him that I had to get the sex business cleared up .
28 I told him that I had watched cows being milked — that was all — but I liked the look of it .
29 I just told him that I badly needed five hundred pounds . "
30 " What the hell 's going on here Some bloody fool phoned my old man and told him that I need n't come in today , that Mrs. Schofield wanted me .
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