Example sentences of "[verb] he [adv prt] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 David Nicholson says they were ready to write him off l ; astr season when he moved into a new stables so yes they 've got to keep going
2 A Bentley swam out from behind the ranch house 's tamarisk hedge , accelerated arrogantly and , passing him , drove him back flat against the hedge .
3 " Let him up Jem , he 's all right . "
4 Let him out Sue .
5 let him out Louise came and interrupted us .
6 They wo n't send him out Saturday or Sunday
7 She schooled him on the lunge and in a fenced paddock over jumps , and then out in the fields and then out on the marshes , accompanying him on her own eventer and leading him over ditches and fences .
8 No , do n't rile him up boy for god 's sake .
9 I remember his telling us how the first time he encountered stress incontinence was as a young boy standing at the foot of the ladder while a little old country woman handed him down apples from the tree .
10 For the last 18 months of his father 's life , partly for professional reasons , Richard returned to England with his Canadian-born wife Shelley , a holistic health consultant , and cared for his father , weaning him off drugs through homoeopathic remedies , acupuncture and massage .
11 He knows you 're better at his job and you turned him down flat .
12 When the Headmaster showed him around parts of Hardside he put little pieces of cloth down on the ground and stood on these to protect his shoes .
13 And when the colonel himself seemed to have taken matters into his own hands by delegating him to a job that tired him out day after day , week after week , it seemed they had been successful .
14 I think it would erm that would set him back Paul that really would .
15 I followed him along corridors to another empty office .
16 The sale to German financier Dieter Bock should gross him around Pounds 54m and is understood to involve the sale of Lonrho shares at 115p each .
17 Controllers urged him to make for a remote runway which would take him over fields and small villages .
18 Your unwarranted intrusion may have set him back months . ’
19 You can school him over hurdles . ’
20 It is this experience which first tempted Sohl to seek out the Geordie and eventually bring him down south .
21 What 's more , he 'll knock him out end of this round .
22 And the wind took him up pony and all , and plumped him up against the hedge . ’
23 But a hand was over his lips before he could utter a sound , and an arm took him round shoulders and breast from behind , and pinned him helplessly against a broad chest .
24 ‘ You had run him over races short of his best distance .
25 One day last week we 'ad to get us own lunch , me young See-all-hear-all-say-nowt upstairs , and then I had to bellow to get him down t'elp or I 'd 'ave been stuck 'ere in this chair wi'out a sup or bite from dawn to dusk and beyond .
26 Moving her arms to his neck , she clasped him as tight as she could and gave him back kiss for kiss .
27 And mum was gon na pick him up dinner time cos he is so
28 He 'd lolled half-conscious in their arms as they carried him along corridors and up stairs .
29 All the while the cameraman is walking backwards the assistant cameraman walks behind him , holding him by the waist and steering him round children 's bicycles and feed-troughs .
30 Well the I ai n't got ta bother to bring him down Saturday morning !
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