Example sentences of "[verb] that [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 Afterwards in the Shoulder of Mutton ( Kneeton Park 1 Knayton 1 ) it transpired that he 's in what used to be known as Tin Pan Alley probably the only manager in the Hambleton Combination ( third division ) who 's also been a manager of the Bay City Rollers .
2 But anyway it transpired that there were two groups sort of working towards the same end and nobody could work out what sort of erm role each played and it was terrible .
3 It transpired that there was a secluded roof on her house where she was wont to sunbathe totally naked .
4 When we had become very curious about why none of the drains had fallen out , it transpired that she was diligently cutting an inch a day off the other end ! ’
5 A lot of people , including many members of the press , thought that Allan was going to win , were almost praying that he was going to win .
6 ‘ It will , ’ said Bodie , praying that he was right .
7 With every atom of her being she was praying that he was .
8 One can only just go on hoping and praying that it is the best and not the worst that has happened .
9 and not have to worry that they 're er gon na be a problem for mum
10 because you did n't have to worry that you were gon na have another child !
11 I know that if I suddenly start feeling pains anywhere in my body , I do n't have to worry that it is the side effects of drugs , as , regrettably , some athletes do .
12 This social sanction will be , in the first place , some kind of social ostracism or discomfort ; it may or may not be wished that it be associated with a legal penalty .
13 Minimising — accepting that there are problems but denying that they are of any great significance or that they necessarily have any connection with alcohol or drug use : " An alcoholic is someone who drinks more than I do . "
14 If all the cases that attract attention , because they are argued in important appellate courts before public scrutiny , are occasions on which judges are scrupulous in denying that they are serving the goal of protected expectations through their decisions , this can hardly do much to reinforce the public 's faith in that ideal .
15 Rollin is also severe on the sophistry of the late medieval Catholic Church in sanctioning the trial and often excommunication of countless creatures ( and the then , if feasible , hanging , flaying , burying alive , burning , or otherwise executing them ) whilst denying that they were free agents .
16 In addition , if in this century racism has become the prototypical instantiation of the concept of ‘ prejudice ’ , then similar justificatory strategies can be expected , when people deny racism and prejudice : in denying that one is racist , one is denying that one is prejudiced , and vice versa .
17 In addition , if in this century racism has become the prototypical instantiation of the concept of ‘ prejudice ’ , then similar justificatory strategies can be expected , when people deny racism and prejudice : in denying that one is racist , one is denying that one is prejudiced , and vice versa .
18 This alternative picture involves denying that there is a coherent materialist alternative to the Cartesian ‘ private theatre ’ view of the mind ; but it also involves placing the attack on the Cartesian picture in a wider context .
19 To take this road is to resort to what I earlier described as the ‘ most primitive physicalist response ’ to the problem , which involves denying that there is anything about the nature of experience that BS does not know .
20 But Gray and Gallistel are merely denying that there is any certainty in the selection .
21 Or the line could be denying that there is any contradiction at all between truth and feigning ( poetry , Sidney claimed in his Defence , could make true fictions ) .
22 My Lords there is no point in the Government denying that there is such a danger , pressure of precisely this character has been applied on chief officers of police outside our own shores .
23 There is no point denying that there was a ‘ free fight ’ in Bean Street between the Powers ' and Jenkins ' families , with men rolling on the ground .
24 The other ( modern ) extreme , that of denying that there was such a thing as Carthaginian imperialism , is equally unsatisfying : from Plato onwards , Greeks spoke of Carthaginian eparcheia , a compound of arche = rule or empire , in Sicily ; and ( he Carthaginians imposed tribute , phoros , on Greek cities which fell into their power ( e.g. Diod. xiii.59 : Selinus ) .
25 There was also a bit about Lesley Silver denying that there was a link between Battys sale and a 2.5M offer to buy back Elland Road from the council .
26 She was born small , she was born fat , and there 's no denying that she 's no beauty , but her face has got something .
27 In his libel action seeking aggravated damages , Donovan claimed he suffered serious injury to his professional and personal reputation , considerable distress and embarrassment and that the article implied he was guilty of gross hypocrisy and deceit by denying that he was homosexual .
28 Giles recalls one remark when Montini was criticizing the De Gasperi Christian Democratic government for inaction while denying that he was doing anything of the kind ( a typical Montini ploy ) : ‘ In political questions the Church has to be general , just as in religious matters she can not afford not to be particular ’ ( ibid. , p. 109 ) .
29 " You 're Hannibal Hayes , " the voice of a sheriff roared from the television drama , and the voice of the cowboy quietly retorted , denying that he was .
30 Whatever you can make of equation [ 9 ] there is no denying that it is a differential equation , not so very different in its way from the differential equations that Newton and Maxwell had used when they had created the fundamental basis of classical physics .
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