Example sentences of "[verb] not we have " in BNC.

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1 Did n't we have er a membership thing which said about erm membership form which actually explained what what we did in if you want to join return this sort of thing .
2 Did n't we have fun , well , did n't we ?
3 I said why did n't we have one big camp , for Christ 's sake .
4 Did n't we have P C Quick before ?
5 Did n't we have a black guy who played for a few season in the second division with Revie before the real glory years .
6 Did n't we have a perfectly good penalty appeal disallowed in the first half ?
7 Did n't we have a similar streak about four/five years ago , i.e. the last year Bremner was in charge — this saw us shoot up the second division before an ignominous defeat against Shrewsbury Town ( who ? ) saw us plummet to mid table yet again .
8 Did n't we have a we 're getting
9 Did n't we have to stop using it because Chrissy was coming out in a rash ?
10 Why did n't we have that one ?
11 Did n't we have one la in the second year , or something , I 'm sure we did .
12 Do n't we have in him a formalist , in fact an aesthete ?
13 Do n't we have a kinship with the Americans , the ‘ Transatlantic branch ’ of our race ?
14 ‘ And why do n't we have a bottle of champagne sent up ? ’
15 Do n't we have enough public holidays without adding to them ?
16 Now if you 're talking about filling the seats it 's obvious that the people in Harlow like that type of thing so why do n't we have more of it . .
17 And I 'm not just quite finished because I was gon na put a wee P S in , why do n't we have the assembly at the S E C C ?
18 ‘ Why do n't we have a prayer vigil here the night before the anniversary ? ’
19 ‘ Why do n't we have coffee next door ? ’ he says , and leads the way , amidst laughter and applause .
20 Why do n't we have a pub lunch and a breath of fresh air somewhere pleasant ? ’
21 Chairman , do n't we have a number er the hold-over or , or balances to cover this expenditure ?
22 Instead , he turned to Belinda and said matter-of-factly , ‘ Why do n't we have dinner together tonight ?
23 In fact , why do n't we have dinner together now ?
24 ‘ I tell you what , why do n't we have supper at Brown 's ? ’ she suggested , rising to her feet .
25 ‘ Why do n't we have tea at the Waldorf ? ’
26 Erm , but I think , I mean , do n't we have to be a bit careful about supporting other organizations in other towns ?
27 Do n't we have difficulties there ? ’ asked Mahmoud .
28 As far as intruders are concerned — do n't we have a ‘ mole ’ on the scum list ?
29 What bills now do n't we have to pay anymore .
30 costing us lately , we 're having to get these , I mean we have that on two in the morning to get this room warmed up do n't we have to put it down to one
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