Example sentences of "[verb] i [adv] they " in BNC.

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1 Two elderly Irish ladies , sisters , linked arm in arm , asked me where they were .
2 Now you 've let me down they 'll just say , we told you so , Sam and Foggerty and all .
3 Show me where they hit you ! ’ she cried .
4 Finally they told me where they had been and how they had been ushered into a sort of waiting room by the proprietress , who had endeavoured to make them feel at ease by offering them marrons glacés .
5 They both told me how they enjoyed the sport , in which they could compete on equal terms with the able-bodied .
6 I eat only fish at the Mermaid these days — not because I believe in dieting , but because I once suffered an awful chips surfeit that put me off them for life .
7 And the building society bloke 's told me today they 've got a hundred and fifty accounts in the office that are sort of heavily in arrears
8 She had told me how they met at a First Spiritualist Church ‘ Convert the Heathen ’ session outside the Anglican church in putney .
9 At Milson Airport , Palmerston North , in North Island , Bruce Farquar of the Manawatu Districts Aero Club showed me how they offer not only flight training but also aerial photography and with the slogan Time is money … flying reduces costs publicise their light aircraft passenger and freight services .
10 Oh they 'd freak me out they would .
11 But if you 'd also been able to identify me then they would certainly have initiated an investigation .
12 You tell me why they has Mac before Mains .
13 Tell me when they get to fifty . ’
14 ‘ It means you 're going nowhere until you tell me where they 've gone .
15 All I want you to do now is tell me where they are . ’
16 Meanwhile band manager Charles Cosh tells me how they 're going to crack America .
17 So many times I have heard someone tell me how they wished they had told the person now dead how much they loved them .
18 But , the old ones that Tom gave me originally they 've not flowered now for about three months yet they 're not dead .
19 And it was no comfort having old ladies telling me how they wished they had naturally curly hair .
20 Small time burglars with the social skills of a potted shrimp telling me how they 're saving all their readies to invest in a club one day — ‘ Maybe Puerto Banus , maybe Chesterfield , I 'm not sure yet . ’
21 she 's here telling me how they sent over and she said oh do n't call for the next two week because we 're going to Italy
22 Do n't ask me why they chose that game .
23 She bent over to show me how they tried to eat this dust .
24 I want them to show me how they feel on the pitch . ’
25 It do n't worry me how they remember me .
26 I tried to get Dad to tell me where they 'd gone but he was tipsy and only laughed and said they 'd gone on their ‘ funnymoon ’ .
27 ‘ They do n't bother to tell me where they 're going . ’
28 And there 's another one somewhere cos my friend he used to come round here with his drugs , he used to tell me where they was you know .
29 The grandfather added : ‘ He was too upset to tell me how they died and I did n't want to ask him .
30 would someone like to tell me how they would actually incorporate that , that additional information into the first statement ?
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