Example sentences of "[verb] it will [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If the claim is one which relates to employment matters it will normally be within the jurisdiction of the industrial tribunal .
2 Belfast-based makers Biosyn , which launched the kit this week , say it will soon be in use in hospitals .
3 Critics say the resources wo n't stretch , and they say it will inevitably mean higher council tax bills .
4 But opponents say it will almost double the population of little Deadwood , sending property prices skyrocketing .
5 The proposal sounds reasonable enough , but it will encourage felling : as soon as a living tree is felled it will clearly be dead .
6 When a monomer polymerizes it will only yield a useful polymer if it does so in the form of a long chain .
7 And they think because they 've got that imagination while they 're living it will still be there when , when we got , this is man 's thinking again ai n't it ?
8 The company says it will also customise configurations for businesses needing higher bandwidths or other specialised arrangements .
9 Novell says it will also work with HyperDesk and the Object Management Group to ensure that these interfaces remain compatible with future industry standards .
10 Pieper says it will also feature Quarterdeck Office Systems Inc 's MS-DOS implementation of the X-Window system , Desqview/X — which has finally appeared after lengthy delays ( UX No 380 ) — if its can get the thing up and running on it .
11 It says it will also be developing an advanced computer database enabling its overseas offices to access up-to-date information outside UK office hours .
12 The GCC says it will also continue to monitor water privatisation , food scares , and independent appeals procedures in education .
13 I want to use plastic cladding but a friend says it will soon crack .
14 Theory says it will soon become a supernova , and though ‘ soon ’ in this context means within 1m years , no other star has been diagnosed as being closer to death 's door .
15 William Luers , its president , says it will soon be eating into its $100m endowment fund .
16 However , Microsoft now says it will soon formally announce support for the Sun Microsystems Inc PC-NFS networking technology that allows personal computer users to share files and services with Unix systems .
17 IBM Corp is using the 88110 in its new X terminals but says it will probably migrate to PowerPC 601s when it 's got them in volume : a 40MHz 88110 offers roughly the performance of a 33MHz SuperSparc .
18 IBM is using it in its new X terminals but says it will probably migrate to PowerPC 601s when it 's got volumes .
19 He says it will probably be stopped by the Serbs and would do much more good where refugees are being cared for in safer territory .
20 It is initially intended for desktop personal computers , although Microsoft says it will later be extended to server environments and other computing systems .
21 Isuzu has already announced it intends to cease production of passenger cars while NEC says it will no longer make VCRs at its own factories .
22 DEC has firmed up plans for its new chip plant to fabricate the Alpha RISC , and now says it will definitely build a $425m 526,000-square-foot research and manufacturing facility in Hudson , Massachusetts .
23 It says it will now take until the middle of next year to get a chip out .
24 The Home Ofice says it will now investigate these catalogues .
25 Edward Price says it will be a dream of a lifetime … he says it will never happen again because the competition is getting stronger … and jokes there 'll be no bumps at Lords
26 But one local council says it will still prosecute traders who break the law .
27 Thames Water has already bought five houses on the proposed site and says it will still buy those affected at the going market rate .
28 The hospital says it will fully co-operate with the coroners investigation into the death .
29 Of course , the truth about how he has done it will probably only emerge in a ghosted autobiography that will cost some newspaper a king 's ransom .
30 He added : ‘ We hope it will also increase the detection rate . ’
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