Example sentences of "[verb] it will [be] " in BNC.

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1 It 's expected it will be called the Rover six hundred .
2 If this idea is to work it will be necessary to ensure that these eigenvalues are all real numbers .
3 They hang a traditional village skirt outside the arrack shop , saying that any man patronising it will be made to wear the skirt .
4 ‘ I expect it will be loose by the morning and then it 'll slip off easily . ’
5 If the news of my son 's death is broadcast this evening , as I expect it will be , no doubt he will return early .
6 Microsoft Corp chairman Bill Gates said he expects to ship the follow-on to Windows 3.1 , codenamed Chicago , in 1994 but declined to say at what point in the year the upgraded system will be launched : ‘ We should debunk any notion that Chicago is around the corner , ’ Gates told an audience of developers sponsored by Microsoft — ‘ All we can say is we expect it will be in 1994 and we 'll keep people in touch on that . ’
7 Microsoft Corp chairman Bill Gates said he expects to ship the follow-on to Windows 3.1 , codenamed Chicago , in 1994 but declined to say at what point in the year the upgraded system will be launched : ‘ We should debunk any notion that Chicago is around the corner , ’ Gates told an audience of developers sponsored by Microsoft — ‘ All we can say is we expect it will be in 1994 and we 'll keep people in touch on that . ’
8 ‘ I expect it will be soon after that . ’
9 I do not yet have the exact date but I expect it will be some time during March or April — more likely April .
10 I expect it will be much the same as last year . ’
11 I expect it will be cancer cos her mother died of that as well .
12 The most that he can promise it will be a few snatched hours on the back seat in a quiet place somewhere .
13 I ca n't promise it will be like that for the rest of the journey .
14 In the case of sails , spars , standing and running rigging it will be possible to apply UP TO one-third deduction from the new replacement cost to allow for deterioration due to use .
15 The researchers , who have been studying the organism for more than eight years , say it will be several years before a vaccine becomes widely available .
16 But the engineers say it will be 10 years before they perfect the technology to make this possible .
17 No longer will we look at a Heidelberg printer and say it will be worth 70% of its value in five years time , because it wo n't . ’
18 I always say it will be done in a fortnight ; this gives me more leeway if things go wrong and if I get the garment finished before the two weeks are up the person is usually delighted .
19 As I say it will be on the front of the sheet so you can
20 as when we say it will be fine ,
21 As this develops it will be helpful ; but it is not a complete solution , for institutions will never be sufficiently well-equipped to intervene in the thousands of firms they own .
22 Because of the finite resistance of the secondary winding it will be necessary to balance the bridge for more than one value of R 1 in order to find M. Balancing for several values of R 1 permits a graph to be drawn of the balance value of R 3 versus .
23 If the environment then stabilizes it will be these types that will probably emerge as the intermediates .
24 Where it is expected that circulars , advertisements and other public documents will be used as part of the takeover process it will be important that all statements contained in them can be substantiated with adequate fact .
25 I ca n't guarantee it will be exactly like that , but you must have got the picture .
26 If disaster strikes , such as a flood or a burst pipe , you can guarantee it will be at the most inconvenient time .
27 If the postman knocks on the door to delivery the only parcel you 've received in the past three years , you can guarantee it will be at just before eight on the first Saturday morning you 've had a chance to have a proper lie in for months .
28 Then you see an express train apparently coming out through the embankment while a gigantic head capped with flowers revolves high above and you realise it will be an amazing day .
29 Unless the needs of this group are addressed it will be the force behind their defeat in 1996 .
30 He that seeks , finds , to him that knocks it will be opened .
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