Example sentences of "[verb] it for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Consider the king penguin : the male is the one that incubates the egg , carrying it around on its feet and protecting it for months from the Antarctic weather with a fold of its lower belly …
2 ‘ I should have won it for Everton .
3 Quinn then seemed to have won it for City with a 51st-minute header but Steve Whitton levelled again from the penalty spot .
4 ‘ Solving problems , however was not Highlander 's purpose , its purpose to ‘ help people learn to solve their problems in their own way , ’ and in its life since then Highlander has always worked with the under-privileged , exploited , relatively powerless communities which have approached it for assistance .
5 If you live round the corner from Mary Whitehouse could you pop in and tell her that her phone is off the hook she has n't replaced the receiver and she she 's quite an elderly lady and I would would be terribly upset if if she had n't got her phone back cos she might need it for emergencies or something like that and I am a caring concerned person so could you could you pop round the corner to Mary 's house and tell her that she has n't put her phone on the hook off the hook properly could you do that ?
6 ‘ Brendan designed it for hop pellets but I only use whole hops . ’
7 Where a book might originally sell at £15 , Smith might buy it for £1.50 and sell it at £5.50 — a profit was turned , and the public benefited .
8 Elia Kazan kept the cameras rolling and caught it for posterity .
9 ‘ No , I too noted the King 's change in mood but dismissed it for King Alexander was an excitable , changeable man .
10 And a very unnatural mother I should think myself if I did not make a push to secure it for Gerald ! ’
11 It was already his nickname with fellow-writers such as Ezra Pound ; and , in adopting it for use by the youngest generation , he may have again wished to convey , though with slightly less emphasis , the elusive character of that animal , with its instinct for feigning and dissembling .
12 Now supposing some family here had a store of such good gold pieces at the end , when the Welsh attack was threatening , they might very well bury it for safety , in the hope of recovering it later .
13 The production stage of a drill could also be recorded by first leaving a space for you to say the item , and then have the LH say it for comparison .
14 This was at a time when the principle of vaccination had still not been universally accepted , although the Vaccination Act of 1840 had enabled the guardians to provide it for paupers .
15 If you already own an Action Replay cart , David , we 'll always take it back and swap it for summit or other .
16 There can be no doubt that he rewrote it for Ken .
17 Because the infant is unwanted by one or two people at one point in time does not qualify it for extermination .
18 Approaching the signal box he mounted the steps , the hand-rail creaking as he used it for support .
19 The new Black Basalt developed by Wedgwood was fine-grained , smooth , and richer in hue , and he used it for relief plaques , busts , medallions and cameos , as well as ‘ useful wares ’ for table and fine vases .
20 Red Indians used it for nappies , and J&J might just follow in their tracks — encouraging us to flush the bog down the bog , as it were ?
21 I used it for areas hard to reach with chisel and mallet , and expect that when carving delicate work it has the advantage of not disturbing the workpiece with sudden strikes .
22 So he converted his barn which was huge and he used it for recitals , put a lovely grand piano in it .
23 It followed the line of the narrow belt of Purbeck ‘ marble ’ to Peveril , where the Romans first used it for monuments such as the inscribed memorials discovered at Silchester and Colchester .
24 Dmitri had been checking it for misprints and left it to get messed up like this .
25 So these pass on their rubbish to garbage companies , which transport it for burial to states like Ohio that still have landfill space .
26 My violin teacher had recommended it for chamber music , and when I found out that on one of the weeks the famous violinist , Ruggiero Ricci , would be there , I was certain that I would go .
27 They only want it for games do they ?
28 I mean , some people want it for income , so if they want that sort of fifteen hundred pounds coming in , and they both want access to it , I 'm quite happy to pay it into a joint account , providing it does n't actually give them a tax problem , in
29 I , I want it for Neil and Paul and even for
30 Well if there 's stuff that 's you know , you do n't want and it 's all right for jumble , I mean if you want it for jumble take it , but if not we 'll have it for jumble , I mean you know it 's erm
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