Example sentences of "[verb] it [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Want to try it all together
2 WHERE has thirty eight years , one month and nineteen days gone to ? has it all really happened ?
3 Er coming next to our priorities on special educational needs , erm I attended a , a and conference as recently as last Saturday and I did n't know it all already , I did , er I am now determined that
4 I do n't wan na lose that table , cos I do n't want to have to write it all again .
5 That 's how I came to be stuck and sweating , 60 ′ above the boulders ; feet flapping , nose snorting , musty sandstone , fingernails smearing lichen and a jammed knot placed blindly in the dark , keeping it all together .
6 The medical profession helped the calming process by ‘ explaining it all away ’ in various manners creditable to themselves .
7 Goddess , Goddess , I seen it all now , I truly have .
8 Promising herself that she would explore it all properly later , she set off to find accommodation .
9 Therapist : ‘ What we will do in this first session is an assessment of exactly what 's going on : first we will look at the problems at the moment ; second we will look at background factors such as your family and personal history ; and third we will try to pull it all together and formulate what is going on , and then decide on what the best course of action is .
10 Therapist : ‘ So let's try to pull it all together .
11 push the bed , the bed had been pushed up and the stuff had tumbled and I just moved it all away
12 In turn , these tactics demand certain fly patterns , and by relating it all together , I can predict , with surprising accuracy , the flies I 'm likely to need on any particular combination of wind and weather .
13 Say it again say it all again cut .
14 He bore it all very well , she thought , but by then she was past caring how he was taking it .
15 And I 've enjoyed it all very much , ’ said Fribble , quite seriously .
16 I 've seen it , heard it , felt it , tasted it all before .
17 It was not until November 1959 that Moscow deemed it necessary even to send a TASS correspondent to Havana .
18 Most cats , however , continue to find it distasteful long after the human occupants of the rooms have forgotten about it .
19 ‘ So many of the other bands that come over are going to find it hard here because they do n't really sing and they do n't write songs in the traditional sense . ’
20 I liked her ; she 's going to find it difficult enough . ’
21 I chopped up the chicken itself and I put it and what I could rescue of the rice and a bit more rice which was in the cupboard into a frying pan with a stock cube and some water and I sort of poached it all together . ’
22 ‘ Thankfully I 've forgotten it all now and I have to look at it as something that was flattering to me at the time .
23 Simpson had broadcast a similar report nine months earlier , but the FO had dismissed it as media hype and not considered it interesting enough to follow up .
24 She just wanted to be on her own so that the lava of tears could flow unchecked , melt it all away .
25 A back fist will out-range a reverse punch performed by an opponent of equal height but it is not often scored because many referees do not consider it powerful enough .
26 She might even turn her head right round to see where the car had gone , but she would n't consider it important enough to jump off the glove .
27 At her inquest this afternoon he said he 'd visited the streets where she worked and found it dangerous even in daylight .
28 But Folly found it all rather overwhelming , as if she had suddenly been spirited away by a magic carpet and found herself in some Sultan 's harem .
29 The guys would chat me up , y'know , like — [ imitating an African accent ] ‘ I want you to be my wife ’ — and I found it all really flattering .
30 People seeing ‘ Carry On ’ films found it all as natural as those who a generation earlier had greeted the squeal of bobby soxers for Frank Sinatra or , before that earlier the sight of Al Jolson in blackface .
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