Example sentences of "[verb] i [pers pn] could " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They told me they could arrange an ‘ accident ’ .
2 ‘ They told me they could sack me , but I do n't care , ’ she said yesterday .
3 I duly contacted Memory Direct , who told me they could n't supply these modules , but very helpfully gave me Epson 's customer support line number .
4 " The Woodlands Incorporated people told me they could plant hardwoods , " Fairfax protested .
5 ‘ A few people told me it could n't be done but the prep races all fitted into his programme and we would hope to do something along similar lines next time .
6 He told me I could be back in a fortnight . ’
7 ‘ But they told me I could not , ’ he said .
8 I arrived late at night so I had nowhere to go , but I met a greenkeeper who told me I could sleep in the greenkeeper 's hut on the course .
9 He came back the next day and gave me another £1.2 million and told me I could spend it in any way I wanted .
10 They told me I could do it in Italian .
11 ‘ But Steve Coppell told me I could n't have him until he found a replacement .
12 Told me I could burn the rest for all she cared .
13 ‘ You told me I could n't stay in the woods , ’ said the boy calmly .
14 This told me I could have a flight to America , if I was quick , a copy of Flight Stimulator too !
15 And er he told me I could start and if I could relieved from the other pit , so I went and saw the under-manager at , and I says , Aye , he says , you can go .
16 I did n't blame her , I told you I did n't , but when she told me I could 've killed her …
17 The doc told me I could go but I would n't come back , but I managed to persuade her .
18 Well I 'd already spoken to the man who was running the course , the lecturer and he told me I could go on it , but his secretary said it was booked .
19 Anyway … you never told me you could explode ! ’
21 ‘ You never told me you could cook lasagne . ’
22 After that night in Rocamar , when you told me you could n't feel anything for anyone , I dared not hope you 'd ever change — ’
23 Undeterred by an evasive reply , he told me he could even provide a reliable guide who would conduct me across the border .
24 When I said I was a feminist he became abrupt , as if his time was precious , and told me he could n't help me .
25 She told me he could be Prime Minister . ’
26 Distraught Christine , of Bell Farm , York , said : ‘ The doctors told me he could die any minute . ’
27 ‘ He told me he could n't face the prospect of another divorce , which I understood because my parents split up a few years ago and it was very distressing , ’ she said .
28 When we first met he told me he could n't stand rows but I like to talk things over when I feel something 's wrong .
29 Mr. Ratcliffe told me he could not say that an average person would not be woken by a heavy goods vehicle passing by his window and , to his credit , whilst making the very best of his brief he did not suggest that the present position is not disturbing .
30 Taczek told me he could think of nothing from those times that would have made Mills any sort of target for a KGB assassin — or any other sort of assassin come to that . ’
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