Example sentences of "[verb] have [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what meetings he has had with hon. Members on each of the proposals for setting up national health service trusts .
2 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what discussions he has had with Overseas Development Ministers of OECD countries on aid matters over the last month .
3 To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what consultations he has had with local education authorities in Wales regarding the provisions affecting Wales in the Education ( Schools ) Bill .
4 In order to do so we must go back to the very beginning of society , explain the original trauma and then consider what consequences it has had for modern times ; for , as we shall see in a later chapter , an inability to accept the truth about ourselves and our societies is probably the most dangerous threat to the successful solution of our present cultural crisis and is certainly the chief obstacle to progress in the sciences of man .
5 In all these contexts there are high demands on individuals for effective and responsible behaviour , and it becomes crucial to know what precise effects sleep loss has had on normal functioning .
6 My right hon. Friend will agree that those questions must be answered and that we have to get to the very heart of the scandal to ensure that it should not happen again , not only in Leicestershire but elsewhere , and those responsible for the cover-up are made to realise what they have done and the subsequent effect it has had on numerous children .
7 In his anguished soliloquy on awaking from what he thinks has only been a dream , we see that the hypocrite has lost for ever the advantage he has had over other people .
8 We think that 'll lead to fairer fining , and I think that 's right , and I welcome what 's going on in north Oxfordshire ; it follows four experiments that the Home Office has had in other parts of the country .
9 Walsh attributes his excellent form to the first real break he has had from year-round cricket : ‘ Being omitted from the World Cup squad was a blessing in disguise .
10 Because these three associated religions appear to have in common the belief in one transcendent personal creator , it is often assumed that they all believe in the same God .
11 I was a little concerned though when the makers of ‘ MiniMag ’ asked what experience she 'd had of articulated vehicles and she replied , ‘ I 've spent my life driving Daddy 's horse-boxes . ’
12 Er we showed him one or two examples of similar sorts of presentations that we 'd had from other railway and outside organizations , er explained what we 'd done in the past , said that we were looking to get something more up-market and more erm professional , which was why we were looking to er er seek er quotes from er g graphics designers , linked in with printers .
13 Another aspect which the two modes do appear to have in common is that in neither mode is the participant required to concentrate on the emotion itself ( another reason why Cemrel has got it wrong ) .
14 The feature they came to have in common was occupancy of land in South Kensington purchased with the profits from the 1851 Exhibition at the Crystal Palace .
15 That was what they seemed to have in common , that and Rufus 's brother and Adam knowing each other already , but after a while Adam got to see things he admired in Rufus , his toughness , the way he 'd got himself organized and in hand , the way he knew where he was going and yet still could be amusing and casual .
16 All of them seemed to have in common a cold dislike of children and a determination to do as little as possible for their inadequate wages .
17 Masklin would be the first to admit that he was n't too familiar with forms of transport , but what they all seemed to have in common was a front , which was in front , and a back , which was n't .
18 Virtually every single item on the list of what ‘ we ’ as English , French , Germans or Czechs are said to have in common , can be acquired by immigrants who wish to do so , except physical appearance , where this differs very markedly from the norm of the receiving population .
19 The vigorous shower did not have any of the beneficial effects such things were generally said to have by public-school games-masters of a previous age .
20 Women can expect to have between live and eight children as a general rule , and in rural areas it is not uncommon for women to have up to I5 pregnancies .
21 What all the successful entrepreneurs I have met have in common is not a certain kind of personality but a commitment to the systematic practice of innovation .
22 It is of interest to note that in seeking to systematize referral procedures Owen has begun to undermine the principle of flexibility which was one of the advantages such provision was thought to have over special schools .
23 The rocks beneath the castle , on account of the form they seem to have in high seas and foam , are called Macleod 's Maidens .
24 The only thing they seem to have in common is their isolated nature and striking individuality , and they scream out to be included in a list of favourite miniature mountain gems .
25 If one picks out some of the chief things which are good , one may find that the one thing they seem to have in common is that they are pleasurable experiences .
26 Yet his own researchers have confirmed that the ‘ British ’ tag on food has about as much impact now as ‘ made in Hong Kong ’ might have had on other commodities a couple of decades ago .
27 Although it was probably inevitable that whatever the political flavour of the government of the day some form of national pattern of cash limits would have had to applied to expenditure on public sector higher education , 4 the practical effects of this political decision turned out to be both complex and capricious , and had two important consequences .
28 But this was only one of a variety of vessels , some of them much larger , it seems , used by the Vikings , and it is the accident that they still used them for burials which has enabled a small number to survive — the conversion to Christianity may be said to have deprived us for ever of the best evidence we might have had of medieval navigation as it developed in the eleventh and twelfth centuries .
29 For example , in his attempt to lead a new life , he attributes any success he may have had in conquering lust , anger or pride to God 's grace , a very specifically Christian idea ; and this is a full fifteen months before his conversion to Christianity .
30 This , of course , might merely reflect the actual flattening effect which information technology appears to have on organisational structures anyway .
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