Example sentences of "[verb] in [det] day " in BNC.

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1 Oh you wo n't be able to come in any day with me next week will you ?
2 ‘ Paula jumped into her car and drove to the house and moved in that day .
3 John Poole 's temper can not have been improved when he announced the news of Robespierre 's execution , reported in that day 's Western Flying Post , and prompted from Southey the Histrionic cry , ‘ I had rather have heard the death of my own father . ’
4 Said Mr Costain : ‘ We would have liked to build a replacement with a wooden verandah and steps , but it ca n't be done in this day and age , so we had to build a concrete one like Fort Knox . ’
5 Accumulating the evidence would be an occupation to keep her going whilst she organized her children 's lives with Mrs O'Keefe , who came in each day to look after them .
6 And she came in this day with these flowers and spoke to me and I did n't know who she was
7 These people , one of whom was a whiskered old man , carried guns which they let off frequently , rode horses at terrifying speeds across an arid landscape similar to the one I played in each day , while breathless crashing music and a small dog pursued everyone everywhere they went .
8 Other studies have found that while managers and staff prize highly the ‘ therapeutic ’ discussion groups which flourish in many day care units , there is less evidence that users rate them as valuable and no evidence that people with long-term mental disorder gain benefit .
9 Maggie had never bothered to resist their reasoning , and she folded her clothes partly from the natural instinct of obedience , and partly because she had never been entirely sure that these external appendages did indeed belong to her , Maggie Petherington , or if perhaps they were loans from the mysterious outer world ; loans that would doubtless be called in some day .
10 When drift mines were first sunk in this valley during the 1850s the workforce walked in each day from the surrounding villages and hamlets , but from the 1860s onwards the coalmasters had to provide new accommodation ; Pease and Partners , for example , had built 151 houses at Waterhouses by 1874 .
11 Most people will gain a greater sense of inner peace — something that is very much lacking in this day and age .
12 Are you staying in all day today ?
13 Leith was getting out of her short , not so sleek and well past its sell-by date Mini , when she suddenly remembered that Massingham 's top brass were moving in that day .
14 D' ya know , he stuck in all day Wednesday .
15 I should think in this day and age they could
16 ‘ I realised in this day and age that people are looking for something that wee bit different , and we found with the long spell of bad weather we 've had over the summer months that people want to stay inside , ’ explained Mr Nelson .
17 Overall , the sound lacks the substance and depth demanded in this day and age .
18 ‘ You must be getting awful cabin-fever stuck in all day , ’ said Emma , as they pushed through the lancing wind .
19 Why should you learn to program in this day and age ?
20 One could not help wondering how many tries the Australian , French , or dare I say it , English backs , would have run in that day , but double figures would not appear unreasonable even against an ordinary Welsh defence that is the norm in international rugby these days .
21 Creating a technical structure that allows for a pan-authority electronic mail service is usually as problematic as building the trust and confidence that will allow staff to communicate and make decisions using such a system — let alone remember to log in each day .
22 If there is a vote , stay in that day and if anyone asks say you were washing your hair !
23 Right hang on there Bev , money right that was softer than other ones , I 'll come in another day and have a good root round
24 Does he accept that another element of the patients charter in this day and age should be that hospitals are constructed in a way that shows that we have learnt the lessons of the past ?
25 ‘ I think it is discrimination against the Scots and should not be allowed in this day and age . ’
26 I think in this day and age , there is probably a greater propensity to move and consequently there may well be an increased erm amount of vacancies occurring and that was why in our statement , we actually increased the number of vacancies , but I think that is a function of the number of houses on offer at the time .
27 It is worth considering the French model since , with the introduction of the national core curriculum , there will be far less time in the school day to devote to non-specialist teaching ; and with the new terms and conditions for teachers there may well be many who will want a strict regulation on the number of hours ' work they will put in each day .
28 You could write on it any time but then you 're just sitting in all day .
29 She s a bit dodgy on her feet and I 'm a bit nervous about her , but she 's got to the stage now when she ca n't sit in all day without exercise .
30 Then there was always the harvest home dance , and then the school , that was the only place we had to dance in that day and they had it decorated with various kinds of the the the c corn dollies and erm
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