Example sentences of "[verb] in [adj] year " in BNC.

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1 For example , after several years of operation within the Eastman Kodak Company , the estimated value of ideas harvested in one year alone was approximately $300 million ( over the lifetime of the idea ) while the cost of connecting the ideas through an OI network containing 19 offices was only 0.3% of the potential revenue ( Rosenfeld and Servo , 1988 ) .
2 Moreover the constitution which the Swedish Diet was forced to accept in that year ( the first in the world to be embodied in a single comprehensive organized document ) was in some ways relatively moderate .
3 The GHS includes a core of questions which appear in each year 's survey .
4 If we project that against total revenues expected in that year , it amounts to about one single day of revenue being allocated to the budget to implement the safety regime in the North sea .
5 In 1976 the figure was set at 20,000 , and it was expected in that year that the figure would not exceed 15,000 in the following and subsequent years .
6 Availability is expected in this year .
7 FOLLOWING the report on the Beech 18 entered in next year 's Round the World Air Race by Len Perry in last month 's News pages , Len has informed us that the Beech will not now be entered in the race due to modifications needed to meet the specification for the race detracting from the overall authenticity of the aircraft .
8 Among the performers who will be appearing in this year 's Spring Thing are 18-year-old Lynn Tocker , the Hokum Hotshots , Beggars Velvet and Whippersnapper .
9 Delegates from Austria , Belgium , France , Great Britain , Ireland , Holland , Germany , South Africa , Switzerland , the US and Italy will take part and as new president will be voted in this year to succeed Andrew Hill who has held the post for twenty years .
10 As reported in last year 's Annual Report , the most serious factor in relation to purchasing for 1989–90 , owing to Government 's failure to meet the cost of nationally-negotiated pay awards over recent years , was the need to divert purchasing funds to pay essential salary costs during the year , thereby causing substantial reductions in the purchases of printed books of all periods , as well as manuscripts , maps and music .
11 More than 80 cases in homosexual men were reported in both 1990 and 1991 , double the 42 cases reported in 1989 and higher than the number reported in any year since 1986 .
12 Spennymoor super heavyweight Michael Hopper meets Preston 's Rod Allan , who , because of walkovers , has yet to box in this year 's championship .
13 Dr Claudine Dauphin ( Lady Carlisle Research Fellow ) met several Somervillians at her lecture in Oxford in May on Dor which she mentioned in last year 's Report .
14 If that is repeated in we would expect about five hundred thousand pounds to be included in next year 's , that 's the ninety five six , special transitional grant in respect of erm er the independent living fund so that 's quite a significant increase next which will be scheduled for the year after the budget we are now considering .
15 Depending upon who you speak to and what you read , the following are included in this year 's likely participants :
16 Mr Stobart , who has run Jodie 's for nine years his first venture into the catering business said he knew , after six unannounced visits by Egon Ronay testers , that the restaurant was going to be included in this year 's edition .
17 Ron Todd , general secretary of the Transport and General Workers ' Union , said they found in this year 's dock strike that some judges had changed little since the days of the Tolpuddle Martyrs or Taff Vale .
18 Heartwatch in third year of health education programme
19 know about a and therefore it 's only things that start to creep in this year .
20 But in DML 's 1989/90 accounts , John Morris , DML 's former chairman , said that after two submarine refits were cancelled in that year and the workforce cut by nearly 1,500 to 5,000 , any further loss of work would threaten its entire viability .
21 It is a massive con trick — Or will Labour go back to very large Government borrowing , on the scale that occurred in one year under the last Labour Government , of 9.5 per cent .
22 Durie and Bates lost their mixed doubles title in the quarter-final to the pair they defeated in last year 's final , Scott Davis and Robin White .
23 Furthermore , food prices could sharply distinguish the standard of living in one year from both the preceding one and the next .
24 4.6 The Company undertakes , notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Clause , to purchase in each year of the currency of this Agreement not less than the minimum amount of the Products ( by value ) set out for that year in Schedule 4 hereto .
25 The two counties met in last year 's Ulster final at Armagh and in one of the best games seen in the province all year Tyrone came from behind in the second half to pull off a memorable victory after having been reduced to fourteen players .
26 Brian Ross and Chris Camden were both on target in the 3-2 win the duo also scored in last year 's victory over the FA and Howard said : ‘ They have come up trumps again , and it is another excellent boost for Marine . ’
27 Brian Ross and Chris Camden were both on target in the 3-2 win the duo also scored in last year 's victory over the FA and Howard said : ‘ They have come up trumps again and it is another excellent boost for Marine . ’
28 The evidence for it is very thinly spread , although there is one rather strange letter written in this year to Mary Hutchinson , in which he questioned the importance which anyone attached to his friendship .
29 And , in the preface to David Jones 's In Parenthesis written in this year , he declared that " Understanding begins in the sensibility " .
30 It is virtually certain that he was kadi of Bursa in 802/1400 , for there exist three documents of Bayezid I 's dated in that year which bear the signature of Molla Fenari as kadi of Bursa ; and that he was still kadi at least well into 804 is indicated by yet another document cited by Husameddin , the of the Inebeg b .
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