Example sentences of "[verb] in [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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31 The Left , even in the local Labour parties , tended to move in a world of the politically involved and to be far more responsive to what was happening in Europe than were most British voters .
32 At the same time both the Constituency Labour Parties and the Labour League of Youth were enjoying a rapid increase in membership and many of their new recruits were more interested in what was happening in Europe than in the traditional problems of unemployment and labour conditions .
33 What was happening in Europe whilst this was happening cos that 's after the war they had their own development and they developed a different type of machine called a flat machine .
34 The Government introduced the community charge legislation as a result of total panic about what was happening in Scotland when revaluation came before us again .
35 In a sense his experience supports his theory , but also mocks it , for the ability to perceive what is happening in London when you are in Oxford is not true spiritual knowledge .
36 Clarkson felt compelled to see just what was happening in Berlin when the celebrations began .
37 Yes thank you Chairman erm I think important question very similar question I think we 're we 're all wondering whether the changed landscape of West Sussex , the changed use of West Sussex has had any influence on the flooding and as the County Council has pointed out worst amount of rain we 've had for about seventy years or so I think it 's very useful and important er to ask questions an and when this crisis is over we reflect on what we can learn from it , but I must bear in mind that it is first and foremost extraordinary climatic conditions which have caused these problems and that in itself of course might have implications erm the whole of global warming does tend to come to mind when you see what 's happening in Australia as well as what 's happening here erm that 's certainly not anything that agencies great or small can have any control over .
38 The same is true of the health service , the more the private health educa the pri private health welfare comes in , the less chance there is of people who are , who are articulate and people who count in British society start speaking up with the rest of us and saying come on we we 've got a common interest and a common stake in this service and we want the best po for for everybody and the same will start happening in housing if you get your way .
39 Years before , he had temporarily escaped , and gone to work in Panama when the building of the Canal was in progress between 1904 and 1914 .
40 A higher proportion of women go out to work in Britain than in any other EC country except Denmark .
41 In Lewis it is usual to work in pairs after the bank has been prepared by removing a width of turf .
42 In the wake of his early film success , he rejected the idea of uprooting himself and moving to America as he wanted to work in theatre as well as films .
43 Nevertheless we must delight in computers as our processing slaves and we must promote them rapidly to do more and more thinking — stopping short of allowing ourselves to become slaves to them .
44 It is even more original and varied in type than the consort music , including not only fantasias , ‘ In nomines ’ , stylized dance-music , arrangements of music from masques and of popular songs , but also miniature genre-pieces , essays in programme music and pure impressionism such as Byrd 's ‘ The Battle ’ and ‘ The Bells ’ , variations on ground basses , and sets of variations on popular tunes as distinct from simple arrangements of them .
45 The districts are even more varied in size than the regions .
46 Many dinosaurs varied in weight because their mass was distributed differently .
47 Thus , on Sunday , I hooted in disbelief when A Year In Provence focused on the natives ' preoccupation with hunting a local , woodland fungus which sells for £100 a pound .
48 For the man or woman in the fast lane , keeping in touch while you 're on the move is safer and simpler than ever before with the new British Telecom 's Azure cellphone .
49 He began anagramming , twisting letters round , keeping in mind where they had been going , where Mary was still going …
50 Questions which it is worth keeping in mind when reading the remaining chapters in this book would be the following :
51 It 's effectively isolated from the rest of the country and it 's often forgotten in conversation when people say well I was at Bristol , in your part of the world er at the weekend .
52 ‘ Such works are frequently forgotten in restaurant after their author has finished celebrating the award of his degree .
53 She winced in pain as she felt a shock across her back at the impact .
54 Huy spread his hands submissively , but then winced in pain as Surere suddenly leant forward and seized his shoulder , the strength of ten men in his large , bony hand .
55 It was , in any case , a difference to bear in mind if Stevenson 's worked more extensively in Europe , as now appeared quite likely .
56 As well as these general considerations there are particular things to bear in mind when meeting with people of certain age groups .
57 This is a particularly important point to bear in mind when it is realized that many technological developments operate at the edges of life , whether they be ventilators or incubators .
58 We would have to cut down a lot of woodland , we would have to alter our environment substantially , and that is something that people have to bear in mind when advocating free-range .
59 Another point to bear in mind when working out your interview schedule is whether or not candidates are to be shown over the work place before the interview .
60 Another point to bear in mind when you are taking a camcorder away with you on holiday is that you may wish to do check replays of your recordings on a colour set as you go along .
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