Example sentences of "[verb] have a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The resistance to being coerced has a variety of more or less typical expressions , shaped by other values and ideals .
2 The computer we are using has a precision of six decimal figures .
3 However , the content through which these mathematical skills are taught has a set of messages all of its own and because we live in a capitalist society we can easily be unaware of these messages — about the exploitation of labour , the sexism , the inequalities based on racism and social class — that are all a part of the ideology of capitalism .
4 I hope that everybody here who has has a relationship , a marital relationship is happy .
5 The last type of survey to be considered has a basis in theory .
6 I ve just had a quick look at text and it says that Durie has had a shock recall Sheringham and Dozzel are definatly out and that Kerslake is doubtful .
7 ‘ But of course we 'll know more when Professor Bearden has had a look . ’
8 And what the manifesto is , is trying to do is to er set an agenda for about how the lot of private homes can be improved , and er fixing rent is one thing which the government er traditionally has had a responsibility for and which needs , er must be linked in with conditions because what we have at the moment is a situation where you get , in Oxford , a er a family living in one room being charged er over two hundred pounds a week by an individual landlord , and that 's clearly unacceptable .
9 Halle blow FOOTBALL : Oldham 's Norwegian international defender Gunnar Halle once a target of former Sunderland manager Denis Smith has had a bone graft operation and will be out for the rest of the season .
10 Someone close to me has had a cataract operation in both eyes .
11 In recent years , the life-history technique has had a revival in sociological research , being used by those who wish to develop ‘ oral history ’ .
12 Dick has had a ministry to businessmen for many years .
13 Mary has had a relationship with a married US senator ( Michael Tolan ) .
14 Insignia declines to comment on whether it has licensed Windows source code , though one Insignia insider said the company has had a Windows license for two years .
15 The next mill downstream has had a variety of names over the years : Russell Mill , Lowes Mill and more recently , Malvern Mill .
16 Cruttwell , it seems , was one of his old mentors from RADA days and has had a variety of film titles , on this occasion ‘ production consultant . ’
17 Since 1988 it has had a working arrangement with the Tokyo Stock Exchange ( TSE ) which allows the TSE 's Topix stock index and Japanese Government Bond futures contracts to be traded on the CBoT .
18 One patient with shunt thrombosis has had a CVA and no attempt has been made to recannulise the shunt .
19 It is significant that the first country to enact data protection legislation was Sweden , which has had a freedom of information regime for over 200 years ; the Swedes have become accustomed to a much more limited version of personal privacy as a result .
20 A very large number came up with the same idea : that Mummy or Daddy has had a sex change .
21 I do n't often sympathise with footballers , but Payton has had a nightmare spell through circumstances .
22 Moore has had a nightmare season after signing for Scarborough last summer on his return from playing in Europe .
23 His final point about trust is fair enough , it sounds like he has had a gutful of Leeds fans berating him for sticking to his guns .
24 Zwemmer chairman Philip Wilson said : ‘ Our six shops already have the largest stock of art books in the country , but this is the first time that Zwemmer has had a location that is suitable and at the centre of the art trade . ’
25 Steve Gilbert has had a beard for 20 years and says he ca n't imagine life without it .
26 ‘ The Prefect has had a call from the Minister .
27 Now , ( a ) Yvonne has had a row with Dulcie and wo n't do her ballet , and ( b ) as the Ballet Club is producing Igor in July , they wo n't let it out again so soon .
28 The Opposition has had a field day with the charges of betrayal it could with so much justification fling at the Government over broken election promises .
29 If we are pretty sure that someone has had a heart attack though , we 'll whistle up the RAF helicopter to get the casualty straight to the hospital .
30 Sparc laptop house RDI Computer Corp , San Diego , California has had a change of guard : start-up specialist , Roy Wright , has been brought in as president to run day-to-day operations , while co-founder , Rick Schrameck , remains chairman and CEO responsible for the company 's direction , strategic alliances and new product development .
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