Example sentences of "[verb] have [vb pp] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 During the eighteenth century , the older categories of difference in goods , that is locality , occupation and so forth , appear to have become overwhelmed by more flexible and creative differences .
2 she said she wish 'd had gotten re-married earlier than when she did , so I 'm not quite sure how long it was
3 It was as though Wycliffe was giving her only part of his attention ; he seemed to have become absorbed in his own thoughts and when Sara stopped speaking there was an interval long enough for Lucy Lane to look at him with concern .
4 In the house he now wined and dined in a style that not even Grandfather Funnell had ever done , but all paid for by Grandfather Funnell 's wife , who seemed to have become rejuvenated by the smart , young , fast-talking Mr Jones .
5 He thought doggedly of Carol so as to blot out the image of Helen 's sad face that seemed to have become imprinted on his mind .
6 And you seemed to have become attached to that awful little room in the Hospedaje Lisboa .
7 She tried to pray but , strangely , the words seemed to have got muddled up .
8 He paused , then from the back took one that seemed to have got separated from the rest .
9 On this visit , Mr Weir , the mate , is said to have become entangled in the buoy rope when the anchor was being dropped and was dragged to the bottom and drowned .
10 What really happened has become over-printed by the fiction .
11 He said Leeds deserved to win having had created many more chances .
12 One matter which I should like to have seen included would almost certainly have merited parliamentary discussion before the inevitable dissolution of this Parliament , which will make this a short Session .
13 Daisy would so like to have got tarted up , but at least her hair was newly washed that morning and her teeth were clean .
14 The vegetation is determined by the climate and the nature of the soil , but also by time and chance ; for example , by what seeds happen to have become established in a particular place in the extreme past .
15 Nature conservationists and farmers ( who both understand what does happen to abandoned land ) should know better , but in the past few years , seem to have become possessed by the same fear of some dark , prolific genie escaping from the bottle .
16 All my Brussels sprouts seem to have become infested with whitefly this year .
17 ‘ You seem to have become engaged in quite a hurry . ’
18 Here , depressive feelings associated with the originators of agriculture — the weaning mothers of the first , and every , cultivating generation — seem to have become displaced on to the new subsistence-pattern itself .
19 In an effore to pick a premium FFL squad , could someone send me the current ( or a few weeks old league table that was published recently ) as I seem to have got rid of it , and todays paper does n't have one in
20 At least we seem to have got rid of that sort of thing now .
21 In both countries fingerspelling has become incorporated into sign language communication and deaf people will use fingerspelling with one another .
22 we heard had got married to a black girl
23 Dream incorporation was judged to have taken placed on about half the occasions .
24 After receiving a government post ( in 1813 ) he seems to have felt bound to repay the debt of obligation by political services , especially at election times .
25 The Victorian middle class seems to have become entangled in a good deal of bad faith of this kind by its attempts to imitate an aristocratic life which it did not fully understand .
26 By the time I was born he seems to have become set in his ways .
27 A winter-flowering cherry , planted in memory of someone in a place I can not visit to water regularly , bit the dust last spring , but a replacement seems to have become established and even had a few blossoms this winter .
28 ‘ Funnily enough , Gooseneck says that the only votes in his time were attempts to oust Fagg , but the majority of white balls was so immense that the opposition seems to have got discouraged and given up . ’
29 Bob is writing for a third ( ! ) attempt on his prostate gland , but seems to have got caught out by overspending on the part of the hospital involved , which has caused a delay in non-urgent ops .
30 It was not a good year for them to start with , and this year 's explosion in grey squirrel numbers seems to have put paid to the few that did form .
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