Example sentences of "[verb] and [adv] [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 At the time of severe intoxication the memory function of brain ceases to work and later there is a hole or blank in the memory , ( Perhaps " blankout " is a better term in order to avoid confusion with other forms of loss of consciousness such as faints or epileptic fits ) .
2 To start with you will try to note every phonetic variation but gradually your transcription will become " broader " , that is , you will realise or find out by systematic analysis that , for example , all the voiceless alveolar stops on the language are aspirated and therefore there is no need to keep writing [ th ] every time , [ t ] is enough .
3 Since there is only one cycle created when I to J is added there will be no cycles left after the edge p to q is dropped and so there can not be more than one path from i to l for any i .
4 I could n't believe what was happening and yet there was still more to come .
5 The external crown , if present , is compressed and so there is only a narrow opening into the buccal capsule .
6 It was the school 's belief that the creation of special units would not solve the behavioural problems which we encounter and furthermore there was little likelihood of re-integration into mainstream schooling ( a view largely substantiated by the available evidence of many of the existing units ) .
7 And he stopped and luckily there was just enough room for me to slow down and just go between them .
8 All the windows that side o' the 'ouse shattered and then there was just silence for 'alf a minute or so .
9 We had a great feast and lots to drink and afterwards there were recitations and a great singsong , and those that wanted to played poker .
10 After Cambrai , the corner had been turned and now there was no going back .
11 The mother and the guardian ad litem agreed that the conditions were met and accordingly there was no contest on the question of whether a care order should be made .
12 ‘ At the moment this is not always done and yet there are people who , if they 'd been approached , would have been willing to give permission . ’
13 If there is no intersection then the contained components can not clash and hence there is no problem .
14 Sometimes the bible surprises us a little bit of course , and it puts it finger on things that we perhaps do n't really want to talk about or we do n't even consider as sins and the bible is quite clear that not all sins are what we do often there what we do n't do in parable that Jesus told concerning the traveller , the man who went down to Jericho , we do n't condemn the priest and the levite for what they did , but we do condemn them for what they did n't do , their sin was not what they did , it was what they left undone , going over and looking at the man was very note worthy , as least there was some interest there and we do n't condemn them for that , but we do condemn them for hurrying along and not reaching out and helping the man in the Pistol of James and chapter four and verse seventeen James says there , any one then who knows the good he ought to do and does n't do it , sins so the sins that you and I comment or the sins rather that we are guilty of are not just the things that we do there of times the things that we do n't do and sometimes there more difficult for us to put a finger on , we can justify them so very easily its been said that all it needs for evil to triumph , is for good men to say or to do nothing well lets look at the , that , illu illustration there that we have in the second book of kings .
15 The phone costs a hundred and ninety nine pounds to install and then there 's a quarterly charge of about thirty pounds .
16 Only after 1 February can I go more or less where I please and then there is a need to work quite quickly since the ferreting season ends in April when the fast-growing vegetation and the increasing arrival of litters of young rabbits make it impractical to continue .
17 It is important to realise that negotiations on the final provisions within the Directive have not yet been completed and so there is the opportunity for the Department of Transport to receive comments from sporting bodies and make these known to the European Commission .
18 But er that I mean and then there 's that 's another thing we ought to look round , there 's the state of the shed outside
19 While outer differences did not matter much , deeper causes of conflict might exist and already there had been the disastrous schism on doctrinal grounds between the Church of the East and the Church of the West .
20 As more and more reassignments take place , the area of memory used for the variables grows and eventually there is no more room .
21 It did n't work at first because people forgot and then there were the tourists who came in and did n't know the seating arrangements .
22 The sun shone and everywhere there was stillness .
23 The USSR employs about five times as many farm workers as the US and invests about five times as much as does US farming annually , yet Soviet output is only 80 per cent that of the U S A. Again like any bureaucratic system of production , risk-taking is never rewarded and hence there is no premium put on innovation .
24 Deuterium and hydrogen can fuse and so there was the chance that fusion might take place within the cathode of the cell .
25 In summer the sun does not set and so there is no alternation of day or night to give cues as to the passage of time .
26 The ones that I , I enjoyed and then there were ones that he had oh that were horrible , it was vile , yuck I did n't like that .
27 It came to rest and then there was nothing else moving in the intense heat of the late morning Egyptian sun .
28 Faced with that dilemma the plaintiffs chose to endeavour to run the business to an early sale and that is what they did my Lord and er the premises were put back on the market er in the early part of nineteen eighty six and er it is pleaded that er in in paragraph six statement of claim , that in May er a buyer came forward but that sale did not go ahead er because there were unreasonable delays on the part of the purchaser erm and er the deal fell through but then again in July er after the business had ceased trading , another buyer was found and then there was a lengthy period of negotiations at the conclusion of which the sale price was reduced because at that stage the plaintiff 's landlord was going to increase the rent er and the plaintiffs were at that stage under threat of forfeiture and eventually contracts were exchanged on the sixth of November nineteen eighty six the sale price being eighty one thousand five hundred and er completion was on the fifth of December nineteen eighty six .
29 But Minnie I ought to have suspected there was more to this kindness than appeared and so there is .
30 That is to be increased and perhaps there should be an increase in the sentence for hardened criminals going out with a criminal purpose and carrying a knife .
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