Example sentences of "[verb] and [adv] you " in BNC.

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1 If one finds out , then everyone will know and then you will be in trouble .
2 I mean he initially did n't wan na know and then you went on about er and came up with the idea of well I 'm very fit , the family 's fit never have any problems health wise erm the o the only thing there you , I do n't think you actually mentioned possibility of accident
3 More water will be attracted and therefore you get a high tide in this region .
4 It is best to plan in advance what kind of demonstration tape you want and then you have the possibility of recording for that purpose .
5 You can make that and put down as much as you want and then you roll the dice .
6 I paused for a moment , then said , ‘ Kathleen , let me tell you what I think would happen if I did as you say and then you tell me where I 'm going wrong .
7 Oh you cook and then you break them off the rest of them
8 Soldiers , right , stab her and they 're all dying and then you see the head like it 's just all dressed up in these things and it 's Arnie underneath it and he takes the head off
9 I thought you simply sent off your CV , got interviewed and there you were . ’
10 Where they used to be frozen and then you started another one wherever you went next time .
11 ‘ These are lurking demons waiting to pounce and then you either pack up or reluctantly and sadly sell something off .
12 and so you could pull it in just until it stops flapping and then you 'd be able to sail away and we 'd never see you again .
13 And listen — if for some reason you want to spend the night with a friend , maybe you 'll want to drink and then you wo n't be able to drive … you know … do n't worry about Lizzy because I 'll be home soon , should anything come up . ’
14 Muddy was one of the nicest people I 've ever met and yet you would n't guess that he would be such a sweet guy .
15 number one , well you get washing done and then you can come in when your hands are clean .
16 Erm one wonders whether that 's erm wise in the long term because once you 've closed down a coal mine of course you ca n't er re-open it very easily because the roof falls in and it floods and effectively you have to start again from er from scratch .
17 The c the school did n't , you know , there was n't a rule saying do n't smoke and then you get busted and all that
18 You see , if we slept together and I — if I disappointed you — we might quarrel and then you 'd walk out .
19 The roof of the farmhouse leaked and often you would return at the end of the day to find a puddle of water on top of your sleeping bag .
20 So , one more week to go and then you 've got a holiday .
21 You might have ageing parents who you support and god knows how much other outgoings which are hidden and then you have to go down that road and say that you 're going to look at at financial status you 're going to have to say and exactly what are all of your outgoings in and now down going to get real unpleasant intrusion into people 's business .
22 I rang the School of Tropical Medicine in London and told them I 'd picked up a botfly , and they said ‘ very exciting ’ and quoted me some home cures : ‘ Keep a raw steak over the hole for a couple of hours and the larva will burrow to the surface to breathe and then you can take the steak away … ‘
23 You 've blossomed and away you have flown ,
24 Green clay we were dredging and sometimes you know that would n't leave the bucket .
25 A one , ju you know , I mean you have complex of apartments which look and then you have the corner , the big house .
26 It 's a bike and you go like that to get it going and then you , it rides along .
27 You do n't realize and then you thi you 've got these three bodies all wrapped round me and me er sort of walking round cheerily down the road with them .
28 right , you go upstairs , pick up the most expensive article they 've got and then you go downstairs to the customer relations department and say I bought this article yesterday and say , and , and I 'm afraid
29 and then you you oversimplify and then you refine it and you concentrate on the differences .
30 You go down there on your hands and knees and you report it 's not meet and then you
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