Example sentences of "[verb] and [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Appropriate feedback is vital in the patient 's relearning process , so he receives praise only when it is deserved : if he fails in any way , the physiotherapist remains encouraging and positive about it , but shows him how and why he went wrong , or she may simply leave that task for the moment and return to it later , when the patient can concentrate and get it right .
2 It is the possession of a common culture and the ability to communicate and pass it on to others that distinguishes the human being from other animals .
3 Immediately the archer fish has fired , it swims rapidly to the point where its prey will fall into the water , ready to catch and eat it .
4 Lāla Bahādur started to play with its stringy tail — twirling it round in the air , twisting and tugging it back from the socket — trying to provoke a reaction that would jar it to life .
5 Adam went back to his private world as the plane bucked across the sky , the unseen hands of the veering winds twisting and turning it as it flew towards Hanover .
6 Her fingers worked at a small lace handkerchief , twisting and untwisting it in an extremity of nervous tension .
7 But he had designed and built it for himself .
8 Or her , ’ she would add scrupulously , being among other things a feminist ) , but in practice this does n't seem to affect her behaviour very noticeably — she seems to have ordinary human feelings , ambitions , desires , to suffer anxieties , frustrations , fears , like anyone else in this imperfect world , and to have a natural inclination to try and make it a better place .
9 I did use more at first when I was buying grams , say a year ago , when I was doin' that , but , say this last year I was trying to pace meself out 'cos I knew that I 'd run outa money eventually , so I had to try and make it last … .
10 Well , perhaps I wo n't light the fire until half past eleven or something to try and make it go that bit further .
11 And after as many tender words as he could think of , to try and lighten the load , to try and make it seem less of a confession , even to try and compensate for the shared and shaming confidence , he told Fergus that he had been responsible for the fire that had burned down the barn near Port Ann , fifteen years earlier .
12 After designing an architect 's dream , he will then have to try and make it functional , having committed himself to a particular shape and size .
13 Erm my nan remembers him , was it somebody called , no no he was another character I think he sold newspapers , but erm I do , I do remember him er They 've always erm tried to get some entertainment on the pitch though prior to the matches to try and make it a family thing you know , I , I think Watford are the best club for that you know , because they , the supporters seem to take all the family along , as my son said when they went down there to the Cup replay they are very much a family sort , they do n't get a lot of trouble at Watford either .
14 And you 're supposed to try and link it with bigger groups of children , so if you say you say you 've got primary skills
15 As Roy said , ‘ How can you feel anything but deep affection for a man who has the humility and sincerity not to try and bluff it out ? ’
16 the first thing that we , we , we would respect is and suggest and this is a course which has been offered erm , erm , in order of other cases , er , we should ask that the er because of the adjournment necessary for investigation , the , the money will attract interest and we would ask for an order that the erm , the plaintiff is entitled to interest at the special account rate on any lump sum hereafter ordered to be paid , now what that means is that if at the end of the day the instruction say goes off and the conventional lump sum order is made , we are entitled to interest on the whole of that lump sum , if on the other hand a structured settlement is put into position and er part is either applied to the purchase of the annuities , in the commercial way to try and settle it or taken it back by the health authority , in consideration for self funding structured settlement , then we would only get the interest on the actual cash we have been kept
17 In promoting consumer products , in competition with each other , the advertisements promote the values of capitalism — the stress laid on wealth and working hard in conventional modes to try and achieve it , competition and the importance of consumer goods as an expression of self and status .
18 But he wondered if Jessamy would ever forgive him when she found out what he had done in order to try and achieve it .
19 And it 's much easier to try and control it on the clutch .
20 ‘ Because , ’ the Doctor answered , a little hoarse himself , ‘ the enhancer works both ways , and the Old One 's survival instinct is letting him draw on its excess life-force to try and bring it back into the world .
21 Cos if it is , how much are we gon na have to pay for it , and why and what can we do to try and bring it back in .
22 Well the farmers for the last couple of years have been arguing that they want this green rate devalued er to try and bring it line more with the market rate er and what this would do would er increase our guaranteed prices in this country and in fact on Friday this happened er the green rate was devalued by 60%. er and so I 've done a few calculations er and for the farmers that are listening and er may understand this er if he was selling his grain in November 89 he would be getting about £99 a ton , whilst if he sells it in November this year he 'll be getting £110 a ton .
23 In even the worst-run sales department , the danger that you are going to lose a key sale is recognized and every effort is made , within the limited headroom that you have , to try and retain it .
24 Step 5 Determine the extent of this behaviour ; does its frequency or seriousness justify your efforts to try and alter it ?
25 And er all the branches had a cook at the national agreement how to try and alter it and make it better .
26 ‘ The brief as far as I was concerned was not to imitate a dancehall record , not to try and pretend it came from Gussie 's Music Works or it was a Firehouse Crew production or something .
27 You 're concentration goes it 's like er it 's like someone 's going to try and head it in to the net and he 's trying to work out which corner it 's going into and he 's
28 It seems that the church could perhaps take a lead in looking at the implications of suicide , and at possible ways of providing services to try and prevent it .
29 By the time this stage has been reached it is rather late to try and prevent it .
30 To try and prevent it raining
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