Example sentences of "[verb] and [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Though he travels a good deal in his job as an engineering manager , he could now enjoy the prospect of climbing , walking and fishing in the beautiful scenery he loves .
2 Last month a thirty-foot stretch of the walls of Urbino actually did fall down , provoking a ritual wailing and breast-beating in the Italian press last heard when the bell tower of Pavia cathedral collapsed in 1989 , killing three bystanders .
3 As pupils extend their skills , abilities , understanding and responsiveness in speaking , listening , reading and writing , the teacher 's role is to highlight those aspects that will lead to a greater awareness of the nature and functions of language .
4 A comprehensive Environmental Studies Programme ensures that the children can extend their knowledge , understanding and skills in a wide range of scientific , historical and geographical topics .
5 The supplier needs to build up awareness , understanding and interest in his products in the mind of the gatekeeper , whether this be a buying department , technical specialist , or both .
6 His first and most spectacular project in this period was the new Antrim coast road of 1832–7 , which involved much blasting and tunnelling in the cliffs between Larne and Ballycastle .
7 Unfortunately , as the best drafted instructions always say , as from 1st January 1993 , EC lawyers are going to have the right to come and practice in the UK .
8 Let us look in more detail at the direct vs indirect argument , first in relation to incentives to work and second in relation to incentives to save and take risks .
9 , operations and supply director , responsible for all manufacturing , purchasing and distribution in Europe and for health and safety at all sites .
10 A decision has still to be taken on whether to carry out further research on detailed conservation plans and to consult the Tsimshian indians , who hunt and fish in the area .
11 The South Korean conglomerate Hyundai plans to fell 300,000 hectares of forest in the Bikin river area and has not consulted the 2,000 Udege , who hunt and fish in the forest , Survival International reports .
12 Ear infections with a purulent discharge , itching and noises in the ears ; eustachian catarrh .
13 This is a contagious infection caused by mites burrowing under the skin ( mange is a term used for any condition caused by mites which causes itching and results in a mammal losing its fur ) .
14 Oh , no — did this mean going through the uncouth rigmarole of extrication , re-smearing and reinsertion in the presence of the newly-beloved ?
15 Two new volumes commissioned while it was still under the Penguin name are Painting and Sculpture in France 1700–1789 by Sir Michael Levey which is an entirely rewritten version of the paintings section of the French eighteenth-century paintings and sculpture volume published in the 1970s and The Pictorial Arts of the West 800–1200 by Reginald Dodwell .
16 What those industries fear more than anything else is interference by the Government and the European Commission , interference in the choice of products that they can make , interference in the work patterns that they can enjoy and interference in their wage rates .
17 Press and television in Africa are generally allowed more freedom of expression than is radio , and one suspects that the reason is that already mentioned : the elitist fear of uneducated people listening to radio and being ‘ misinformed ’ or ‘ confused ’ .
18 It 's the odour the sallow rinds give off , as they cook and crackle in the fire …
19 ARRIVED to start as a sub-editor with the people who , among other things , are responsible for spelling and grammar in the paper .
20 Much wheezing and tightness in the centre of the chest .
21 join with other countries in supporting developing countries against poaching and trade in endangered species
22 The tendons to the corners of the mouth may stand out clearly like lengths of string , and the facial muscles will become more and more obvious as they tauten and contract in the normal flat plains of the horse 's head .
23 A further one hundred questionnaires were sent out to develop and validate these vignettes , and an analysis of the questionnaires resulted in the development of eight distinct styles of information use , pupils matched to these eight styles by their teachers have been interviewed and differences in the way these pupils talked about tackling two assignments in different subjects are currently being analysed .
24 From this turning-point , enclosure and drainage were to shape both lives and landscape in the English countryside , right up to the present day .
25 For although he was born on the Indian sub-continent , he was educated and lives in the UK .
26 The Auchtergaven men broke in at night with their faces blacked and knives in their hands .
27 The roads became clogged and food in Paris began to run out .
28 This last autumn South East Arts tried and experiment in Brighton and organized a series of five so-called fringe theatrical productions at the Pavilion Theatre over a period of two months .
29 There are many examples cited of local soil conservation : tie-ridging of the Kara and the Matengo pit system reported by Ranger ( 1971 ) for Zambia , contour ridging and inter-cropping in Tanzania ( Stocking 1982 ) , ‘ denshering ’ in western Cameroon ( Kassapu 1979 ) and a variety of techniques discussed by Richards ( 1975 ) .
30 You can try our fabulous recipes , originated and double-tested in the GHI , and you can still use some of your own favourites , provided that the ingredients correlate to the diet .
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