Example sentences of "[verb] of those [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But even if that is held to be culpable ignorance , it can not be assumed that if the voters did know of those plans or intentions they approved of them .
2 When I look at Elizabeth Frink 's terrifying bronze thugs of the 1960s I am always reminded of those men : members of the Fascist Secret Police .
3 I was reminded of those days in the school chapel and of that battle to hold my integrity against a most well-meaning person , by my experience with the chaplain at the hospital eighteen months ago .
4 The spiritual area is concerned with the awareness a person has of those elements in existence and experience which may be defined in terms of inner feelings and beliefs ; they affect the way people see themselves and throw light for them on the purpose and meaning of life itself .
5 It 's no secret that those guerrilla bands contain a fair proportion of characters who are just as undesirable as the dictatorial governments they 're supposed to be fighting and who would have no hesitation in disposing of those $60,000 missiles , at a fraction of their cost , to any passing terrorists who , in turn , would have no hesitation in loosing off one of those missiles at a passing Boeing 747 , preferably one packed with five hundred American citizens .
6 The most usual way of defining the middle class is to see it as consisting of those individuals who have non-manual occupations , that is occupations which involve , in some sense , an intellectual element .
7 She sat facing me : calm , sympathetic , but at a distance I had no way of negotiating , as I listened dismayed to what she revealed of those islands , that lost continent .
8 What do you think of those resignations though ?
9 The thing is , oh yeah what do you think of those women that came ?
10 They just say , ‘ Well you should think of those things before you get into trouble .
11 Cos they do n't think of those things do they ?
12 What do you think of those leaders ? ’
13 None of them is , nor can be , structured as to require that those in charge of enterprises in which people invest their working lives and expectations should account primarily and principally to them for the uses they make of those lives .
14 The little shed still smelled of those days when it had been used .
15 Maggie had never heard of those names either .
16 Section 2 shall consist of those delegates from affiliated Constituency Labour Parties present at Party Conference and each Constituency Labour Party shall be entitled to vote in each ballot under this section …
17 Section 3 shall consist of those delegates from affiliated trade unions , socialist societies , co-operative societies and other organisations present at party conference and each delegation shall be entitled to vote in each ballot under this section …
18 Section I shall consist of those Commons Members of the Parliamentary Labour Party who are at present at Party Conference and each such Commons Member shall be entitled to one vote in each ballot held under this section in the election .
19 The affective responses of pupils consist of those behaviours which indicate their attitudes and ultimately the values they hold .
20 These two distributions ( of differences in skill between left and right hands ) consist of those individuals in whom the right shift factor biasing the left hemisphere towards subserving speech , and coincidentally favouring greater skill of the right hand , is present ( RS + ) and those in whom it is absent ( RS ) .
21 The ‘ means of production ’ consist of those parts of the forces of production which can be legally owned .
22 He had subjected himself to his own personal therapy , requiring himself to sit alone in a hospital room and speak of those happenings aloud .
23 15 Army Group had given instructions [ KP 153 ] to Eighth Army on 7 May that surrender can only be accepted of those forces in contact with Eighth Army .
24 These will comprise of those modules for which the DC proposes a change and of which the assessor is manager ; also any packages which the assessor manages and which contain any of the modules for which the DC proposes change .
25 One did not speak of those things .
26 Selection is made of those instruments which give the most relevant information at the time .
27 Thus , to grasp properly the significance of popular dancing in the mid-nineteenth century — the waltz , for example — it is necessary to look not only at the waltz culture of the popular classes but also at such factors as : the peasant sources of the waltz ; the use made of those sources in bourgeois culture ; the changing social relations involved in the growth of industrial capitalism , to which the romanticizing of popular culture found in bourgeois waltzing , together with its cultivation of an explicit sensuality , was probably a reaction ; the tendency of the social developments to result in the atomization of established collective social patterns and modes of corporeal expression , leading , among avant-garde composers , to a music more overtly of thought and feeling , as against a music of social gesture ; the way these same composers , by way of reaction to that situation , incorporated spiritualized versions of dance elements in their music .
28 Mention must be made of those creatures that inhabit the inter-tidal zone , that is the region of the shore between high- and low-tides .
29 An examination should be made of those outputs that are measurable and the costs involved : this information is needed to assess efficiency and effectiveness .
30 ( Beware of those therapists who seek to charge you for a complete course of treatment at the very beginning , as it is almost impossible to know how well each individual will respond and therefore how many sessions will be needed . )
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