Example sentences of "[verb] a [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To calculate your fabric requirements , you will need a strip(s) of outer fabric and lining to equal the length and depth of your pattern , plus a 2.5cm ( 1in ) turning allowance all round , plus extra for matching a pattern .
2 To obtain Age Concern England factsheets mentioned here , send a 9″ × 6″ sae to the Information and Policy Department , Age Concern England , Astral House , 1268 London Road , London SW16 4ER , stating which factsheet(s) you would like to receive .
3 BE PREPARED to take a ribbing from the Scouts , British Telecom — you 've really dropped a gooli in your new advertising campaign !
4 Cuesta , Captain General of Old Castile , took the patriotic cause ‘ seriously ’ when the students of Valladolid erected a gallows in his courtyard and after his colleague in Badajoz had been murdered .
5 They want a corgi for the production of the Big Friendly Giant which is a sell out success on its present UK Tour .
6 Quijano , amongst others , takes this argument a stage further by utilising a modes of production approach .
7 The main record contains a HalfPicVals for each of the top and bottom , and a LightCnstType , and in addition fields
8 The Ulster representatives feel that Manchester is capable of staging a games of ‘ unparalleled quality ’ which would be of lasting benefit to world sport .
9 The Ulster representatives feel that Manchester is capable of staging a games of ‘ unparalleled quality ’ which would be of lasting benefit to world sport .
10 We do n't need an apikoros like you to tell us how oppressed we are .
11 I do n't see it erm becoming an issues in an organization such as our own because er we have recognized its er potential harmful effects and have taken steps to counter it .
12 It seemed to provide an envoi to the policies and economics of consensus , which had coincided with decades of calamitous financial and international decline .
13 Early research at the NWRRL focused on developing a GIS for use by the police and county emergency planning officers in Cumbria that would aid in the management of a possible explosion at a chemical factory in Whitehaven , west Cumbria ( Vincent et al. 1988 ; Dunn 1989 ) .
14 TEN years of Conservative government has produced a poor record on environmental issues , but Mrs Thatcher 's ‘ conversion ’ in the past year has meant she has done more than any other world leader to push the issue to the top of the political , business , and economic agenda , says a Friends of the Earth report .
15 Anyway , I plug in , fresh out from playing Walk , Do n't Run and FBI , and John said , ‘ Okay , we 'll do a blues in C. ’ I turned scarlet and mumbled , ‘ What 's a blues in C ? ’ and he said , ‘ Just feel your way through it . ’
16 Assuming that the payments are £1 per year , you need to create a formulae like this :
17 Par of me could n't give a monkeys about the entire operation .
18 In many Western countries , in fact , the majority of ‘ informed opinion ’ favours a shifts in the opposite direction .
19 To make a pattern for a swag , cut a width(s) of mull to equal the length of the front of the board , by approximately twice the proposed finished depth .
20 He sneaked a thumbs up sign at Rose who was baffled by this latest manoeuvre .
21 On the way to the motel , the radio played a Tears for Fears song called ‘ Everybody Wants to Rule the World ’ .
22 Dry cleaning staff from Hartonclean and Dale Cleaners on Tyneside played a men versus women football match yesterday to raise cash for the neo-natal unit at Newcastle 's RVI .
23 I run a 36″ × 15″ × 12″ tank , with undergravel filtration .
24 I run a 48″ × 18″ × 15″ community tank of small tetras .
25 Or select a women for the cabinet .
26 if it sees a needs for this .
27 He 's got a arrows on his packet .
28 I mean maybe you 're thinking of the sort of publicized cases of a nine year old , I believe it was , who 's got A levels in mathematics .
29 I mean maybe you 're thinking of the sort of publicized cases of a nine year old , I believe it was , who 's got A levels in mathematics .
30 ‘ She 'd had a dickens of a lot to drink .
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