Example sentences of "[verb] a [noun] they " in BNC.

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1 Basingstoke scored a consolation try at the end , but Alresford had won a game they made difficult by failing to capitalise on their superior backs and fitness .
2 For almost a third of the clients for whom the development officers provided a service they obtained or increased cover from other services .
3 But the cook was in fine form and they seemed to be thawing a bit when I left them chattering away in Greek with Denholm sitting among them and not understanding a word they were saying .
4 Since I was becoming a scientist they encouraged me
5 His speech to representatives of the Moscow gentry in March 1856 was tame , his creation of a secret committee in 1857 was the traditional way to sweep calls for change under the carpet , the Nazimov Rescript envisaged a form of emancipation which would have severely damaged the peasantry , the relaxation of censorship in January 1858 was short-lived and the provincial tour of 1858 represented yet another futile attempt to persuade nobles to accept a measure they were bent on resisting .
6 The public will rarely buy a record they have never heard , particularly when it comes from a new or unknown artist .
7 Their great kindness has helped members enjoy a holiday they will never forget .
8 But to secure a conviction they must show prove the culprits are professional dealers .
9 But to secure a conviction they must show prove the culprits are professional dealers .
10 General Motors has two dealers in Britain — in Kingston and Manchester — and if you want a Syclone they will only lighten your wallet to the tune of £20,000 .
11 If the Japanese want a government they can be proud of , they must stop voting for permit-wielding , contract-fixing crooks .
12 You want a bet they wo n't ?
13 They want a baby they 're not concerned whether it 's going to have spina-bifida or have som , they are looking forward for a perfect baby .
14 A county council has told its entire staff that they can no longer smoke in their offices , and if they want a cigarette they must have it in their own time .
15 I was saying , ‘ If anyone wants a refund they can go right to the door and they 'll give it to you . ’
16 Years later Emma Upcher wrote of her parents , ‘ They found a spot they thought a paradise and there they began to build their ‘ bower' ’ . '
17 ‘ If they found a point they wished to query us on we had to give an instant , pressurised response , ’ he said .
18 They say a letter they 've received exonerating the doctors involved is an insult to their daughter 's memory .
19 Often they will want to be able to telephone solicitors when somebody in the CAB has a problem they need help with .
20 The council advises the chairman , who can not approve a proposal they reject , but can veto one they approve .
21 First , there were the Camp David accords which promised an autonomy they neither wanted nor received .
22 Thus , if team 3 , thinking of beef adds an e they have completed a word — bee — and lose a point ; but only if another team spots it and challenges them .
23 There was a long , rather embarrassed silence during which Jack sensed that neither of the Shepherds believed a word they were saying , and were probably secretly scoffing at them .
24 GAMBIAN police have named a man they want to question about the murder of a British conservation worker who was killed in a game reserve in December .
25 For they would have had either to vote for all the candidates on one list ( implying a commitment they rejected ) or they would have had to switch from one list to another during the voting .
26 Normally , once these older folk have attended a course they are keen to participate in others .
27 Yesterday relatives of Charles Prattley told a coroner they were disgusted by the way he had been treated by staff at Darlington Memorial Hospital .
28 You have here twenty six tabbed alpha dividers , er , unless it 's going to create a problem they usually go A to Z. Erm , some people use this an alphabetical filing system .
29 Some girls show a guy they 're terrific cooks — and my room-mate shows him she can make friends with his granny !
30 On the second of October 1991 the Hawkins family left Edinburgh to visit a country they had last seen 13 years before .
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