Example sentences of "[verb] and they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Before you could say Maradona , Boss Man had won and they had gone in a puff of Deep Heat vapour .
2 It was ten years since Jacklin had won and they 'd adopted Seve .
3 So I carried on walking and they start going through this bleeding wood , well they had me climbing over three fence things , all like them metal you know like them metal fences at wood ?
4 Worked out less than , I do n't know and they give us all the posters and everything , so weekend I 'm gon na send away for another seventy
5 he was saying all the sort say at work you know that they they do n't know and they start on about er
6 What we were trying to say is there is actually a place and my Right Honourable Friend thinks that there is and indeed so do I , for people to contribute to the problem of policing in their locality who have n't necessarily for one reason or another and my Noble Friend Lord Whitelaw said , decided not to erm be on the police authority , maybe they have n't had time , maybe there has n't been their , their particular but nevertheless they do know and they do care about their locality and they have got a er er a contribution to make and we think that that would actually improve the local the police authorities , provided that they are not in an overwhelming position and that is the reason why we 've suggested that eight erm t er , er , er o of a police authority of sixteen , eight should be councillors in the majority , five should be independents and three should be er er er magistrates and My Lords and then of course the complaint was ah , but then some people may not be properly represented and the number ought to be larger .
7 He let it fall and they ran down through the field after Caspar .
8 If people think that the exchange rate will fall further , importers will buy now before the rate does fall and they have to pay more for the imports .
9 ‘ One of these days ’ George promised and they smiled quickly at each other isolating Maxim in a twinge of envy .
10 It was very , very difficult for them , they had to come and they had to find the , the actual crash , and it was an appalling position to get to , erm , the efficiency was splendid .
11 There were a man that used to come and they called him the gauger well we would likely call him the customs officer now .
12 If she will babysit then they will come out with us , if she ca n't babysit and they want to come out with us , and Dave , Clare will be able to tell me when I see her .
13 Officers did not go out of the camp to work and they had no contact with women .
14 That is , all firings and dire threats were forgotten and they raced .
15 They expect and they grow .
16 Now he rose and they faced each other across the table .
17 ‘ However , in due course a few , a very few indeed , intelligent teachers came to take a cool look at what was happening and they realised that for the vast majority of children the majority of our educational processes add about as much to the mental stature of our children as a diet of sawdust would add to their physical stature … . ,
18 They know what they want and they intend to get it .
19 They are quite capable of paying for the resource they want and they want to provide it , but they 're just not allowed to do it .
20 I turned our closed circuit cameras onto the flag-wavers and they appeared on the huge screens above the stage .
21 And others who ring up just to talk , and they feel much better , and they cry and they get distressed .
22 The mist soon dissolved and they reached Malaga in patchy sunshine .
23 and then when you get the to the end of it all you sa you say and they sell that for an eighth of a price that you charge for your bloody beer !
24 But then they suddenly listen to what you say and they think , well that 's funny , I was thinking about that when I was saying my prayers the other day .
25 Talk to the next person but really you 're talking to there say and they do it back to you , but erm Oh so he did n't , he wo n't be going again then ?
26 In this case he has and they 've an and conveniently of course for this example it 's all been put into , into a statement .
27 But at that time Langer and Graham were bogeying and they had to birdie the last in the finish to force a playoff .
28 ‘ Well , I went to clinics , I went to specialists , they poked and they peered and they prodded , they took X-rays , they did tests , I do n't know what they did n't do , and they all said the same thing .
29 And then it stopped and they went to Stronsay then .
30 Hazel stopped and they gathered round him .
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