Example sentences of "[verb] and much [verb] " in BNC.

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1 With melodies , accompaniment figuration , choruses and arias on a par with Handel 's very best , Archiv has produced a recording to be strongly recommended and much enjoyed .
2 There 's an awful lot of information that I 've put in there which I 've photocopied and much reduced from the official documents
3 In the social context , drugs such as caffeine , sugar and chocolate are well accepted and much enjoyed by millions worldwide .
4 Hence the long , much altered and much discussed passage beginning already mentioned on p. 85 ; and the ‘ spots of time ’ meditation to be discussed on pp. 134–9 — which is at the heart of Wordsworth 's concern with the use of the past , this too is already present in the first Part of the 1798–9 version , before being moved to its present position in the longer texts .
5 The Family Reunion , which we went to see and much enjoyed , had that autumn been put on again , and its success greatly heartened him .
6 The relationships between the Variscides of Europe and the Appalachians of North America — and indeed between parts of the Appalachian province itself — are still a subject for controversy at a detailed level ( see Dewey 1982 ; Rast 1984 ; also several papers in Hutton and Sanderson 1984 ) , but it seems that useful , if cautious , parallels can be drawn between the partly concealed Variscides of Europe ( including southern England ) and the well exposed and much studied southern Appalachians ( Fig. 1 ) .
7 A little still she strove and much repented And whispering ‘ I will ne'er consent ’ consented .
8 This is clearly stated to be the ‘ second edition , corrected and much enlarged ’ and the original , reprinted , Introduction establishes the first edition as 1824 .
9 Old Dundalk is the class horse in the race and was very impressive in victory at Marks Tey , but he has a mind of his own when it comes to racing and much depends on his current mood !
10 In the process he has been much reviled and much praised .
11 Dutch Edam is well known and much loved in Britain for its mild flavour and appeal on the cheeseboard — so much so that its versatility for use in cooking is sometimes forgotten .
12 Since there was no longer any need to make diplomatic gestures in the direction of right-wing totalitarianism , Lequerica was replaced at the Foreign Ministry by Alberto Martín Artajo y Alvárez , a man well known and much respected in Catholic circles at home and abroad .
13 By Elizabethan standards Crosse was remarkably honest , reliable , and trustworthy ; qualities appreciated and much used by his superiors and by Sir Robert Cecil ( later first Earl of Salisbury , q.v . ) ,
14 Nature reserves are widely appreciated and much admired , but do we ever stop to think of the behind-the-scenes management ?
15 And here she is , so short a time after , widowed and childless , with nothing gained and much lost .
16 The British foreign secretary , Michael Stewart , was warmly praised for his defence of American policy in the highly charged and much publicized Oxford Union debate of 16 June 1965 .
17 Later , the vogue for the now growing town was consolidated and much expanded by Dr Alexander Taylor , who recuperated there from the typhus he had caught serving with the sottish , mutinous and incompetent ‘ Spanish Legion ’ sent from England to help the Queen of Spain in her war against the Car lists of Navarre .
18 To me , this link appears widely discussed and much researched , albeit inconclusively .
19 If the pain is very severe with inability to swallow and much drooling .
20 Lime was particularly good for coppicing and its timber prized for turning , furniture making and much used in coachwork .
21 A horse much loved and much missed by his life long fans .
22 A friend to everyone she met … much loved and much missed .
23 The object of the Institution is , to reform , and bring into a regular system , that important branch of medicine which regards the treatment of diseases incidental to horses and other cattle , and which has hitherto been neglected and much abused in this country …
24 The present head office was built in 1806 but extended and much altered in 1870 .
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