Example sentences of "[verb] and one [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hope these will come in useful ; I got 2 of as many as I could , so you could have one for handling and one for display — or for pinning up to show both sides .
2 Since 1979 , 500 hospitals have closed and one in eight hospital beds have been lost .
3 Where the middle contract was overpriced , relative to the near contract , one middle contract was sold and one near contract purchased .
4 I have one in the bathroom for dirty washing , which doubles as a seat ; I have one in my bedroom for ironing and one in the other bedroom that holds all my sewing materials .
5 that 's all grown from leaves , just put the leaves in water and the little shoots come on them and then I put them in after some , when they 've got their little roots on them and they grow , that 's , that 's one I 've grown from , from just leaves and one in over there in the window I 've grown from leaves .
6 In a recent survey one in five incontinent women were afraid that they smelt and one in nine believed that sexual activity was compromised .
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