Example sentences of "[verb] and that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Experience has shown that anomalies arose and had to be addressed and that caused massive administrative complications .
2 Gravier 's brother made his identification on circumstantial evidence and it was n't until two days later he had the remains cremated and that occurred in Mexico City .
3 He failed to turn up at all for one match , though discretion prevailed and that misdemeanour never got into the papers .
4 The company may already have a mainframe computer with a data processing department and the manager might suggest that some potentially suitable software packages be evaluated and that obtaining a ready-made package should be considerably less expensive than writing one from scratch .
5 Pope Clement , however , was not inclined to agree and that occurred at a time when the people of England were annoyed at the imposition of heavy taxation by the Cardinal Morton , also Cardinal Wolsey .
6 There was a spatter of life and talks in the queue that Holly joined and that stretched twice around the inside walls of the Kitchen .
7 These effects give a guide to the symptoms which the derived remedies are used to treat , using ‘ like for like ’ i.e. the illness to be treated and that caused by indigestion of the substance should match as closely as possible .
8 But last night the Press Association published the biggest poll yet undertaken and that gave Labour an overall 7pc swing from Conservatives to Labour , a swing that in some areas reached as high as 10.5pc .
9 Robert Hardy taught him to drive and that produced enough stories for half a night 's drinking in Stratford 's actors ' pub , the Dirty Duck .
10 Produce letters that are recognisably formed and properly oriented and that have clear ascenders and descenders where necessary .
11 The man who accepts authority is thus said to surrender his private or individual judgment because he does not insist that reasons be given that he can grasp and that satisfy him , as a condition of his obedience .
12 As an academic critic and university teacher specializing in modern literature and literary theory , I spend much or my time these days reading books and articles that I can barely understand and that cause my wife ( a graduate with a good honours degree in English language and literature ) to utter loud cries of pain and nausea if her eye happens to fall on them .
13 I drove via Barking to call in on Duncan the Drunken before the traffic built up , but his garage was locked and that meant calling at the house .
14 Mr Chairman could I ask a question because one of the things that I 've found missing this evening is specific things that people would like to see in this playhouse or perhaps specific things that we used to do and that find are missing and the last I have n't heard the word gallery mentioned from there much at all what do we think about the gallery ?
15 Mrs Peel thought the EP to be more sympathetic than the other professionals she had encountered and that made it easier for her to convey her views to him .
16 I believe that you will be well able to represent the views of the members of this mailing list so there is not much I can add except perhaps a comment , that with all the transfers at the club in the recent past , that the team is perhaps unsettled and that gaining the championship this season seems difficult .
17 He called it vitamin 51B , which was unfortunate because proof of its vitamin status was never found and that raised the hackles of the regulatory authorities in the US .
18 And er that hurt and that made you much more determined to improve and be able to make a proper load as quickly as possible .
19 Unfortunately , the forwards were comprehensively outscrummaged and that left the whole team at a severe disadvantage .
20 The leading companies of the 1990s will be those that are quicker to respond and that innovate to retain competitive advantage .
21 Try and that lose some weight .
22 Yeah slightly scored and that struck at the meeting which Miss land , where one district council accused
23 He had been in hospital many years before to have his appendix removed and that had been an uneventful procedure .
24 Another function of a work diary could be to substantiate more staff or accepting fewer patients , by demonstrating how efficiently nurses had worked and that staying late had been a necessity .
25 There were a number of other areas that it was felt by the IBOA should be discussed and that included Future Branch Structures , Centralisation and Contracting of Work .
26 Prentice smiled and that made me more nervous than anything .
27 When we first cloned the human globin genes we realised that every cloned gene is person-specific , and therefore contains the particular sequences that instruct most of the features which we inherit and that determine our individuality .
28 Only once had he returned after they all left and that had been bad enough , like a dream — no , like stepping into the set and scenario of some frightening film , a Hitchcock movie perhaps .
29 ‘ By 1976 , the Government decided it had to act and that led to the first TV campaign with the line ‘ Do n't take your car for a drink ’ . ’
30 The only first-hand evidence they had and that depended on the observation of a not very bright young man , on a dark misty night , at a distance of a hundred yards .
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