Example sentences of "[verb] be through [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It should be observed that the most significant contribution to compensation for injured workmen has been through insurance rather than the tort system .
2 Some complete buildings are advertised in the financial press although for most investors who can not afford to purchase an entire building the way to participate has been through enterprise zone property unit trusts .
3 Those whose main contact with violence has been through television or the cinema may think that in real life , just as in films , the hero or heroine 's story ends when their ordeal is over .
4 The most long-standing method of training church musicians has been through apprenticeship .
5 We 're hoping — Andy has been through hell
6 An important way to the heart of the client 's business has been through technology : computers and data networks .
7 She is the same wholehearted trouper she has been through war and peace for three generations .
8 One way in which attitudes towards and categorization of black pupils was fostered was through gossip among staff .
9 She will say : ’ Having been through music school , I 've seen so many people who really play their instruments — I mean , they did n't just plug in and press a button .
10 I 'd just like to raise a point that erm most men are psychiat , er mo most of the psychiatrists are men and that a lot of the diagnosis I feel , come from a very sort of patriarchal view erm , you know a lot of have sort of brought up the alternative sort of er medicine and er self-help groups , and to me , having been through psychiatry which is a , a huge machine that is very difficult to get out that er to me , that 's the only future and there 's millions of pounds going into psychiatry and we 're reviewing it now with community care plans which , I I do n't think anybody is actually clear about but er , you know , the the millions that are put into psychiatry , I 'd like to see more sort of counselling er , become available or , more money given to sort of er mental health associations .
11 If a baby is expected to be born mentally handicapped , the only method by which secondary prevention can operate is through abortion .
12 He admitted that he and Hillary had been through marriage difficulties , but insisted ( helped by some Hollywood training ) that they are now deeply in love .
13 The conference heard that out of 732 post-mortem examinations — on victims of the Air India Boeing which crashed into the Atlantic near Cork , Zeebrugge , Piper Alpha , Lockerbie and Kegworth — 80.22 per cent of identifications had been through dentistry records .
14 He had been through school and university , he had travelled the world , he had completed five years in the armed forces , he had flown fighter planes and helicopters — and for nine months had had command of a mine hunter in the North Sea .
15 He had been through hell in the course of duty ; he had made sacrifices that would be asked of no other human being .
16 Here was someone who had been through hell , but still could forgive the bombers , while pleading with them to realise the tragedy they were causing .
17 He had been through college , and yet , he reflected , he was still ignorant of the continent to the north .
19 When you 've been through death and live again you 're changed all through .
20 I 've , I 've been through death and I 've conquered death .
21 And in its star system , the accolades go to the miners — they 've been through hell , fire , earth and water to become hardened into heroes .
22 I 've been through hell , Rachel , believing you had the same problem as me , and I was the man you wanted to go to bed with but could n't stand personally . ’
23 One method whereby the aggressive and destructive energies of mankind are sublimated is through work .
24 The most important route by which authorization may be had is through membership of an SRO .
25 ‘ We have been through hell .
26 And Salford-born Phelan , who has signed a five-year deal , admitted : ‘ My family and I have been through hell in the past couple of weeks and signing for City is such a relief .
27 ‘ He 's been through hell these past two years trying to come to terms with the loss of his family .
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