Example sentences of "[verb] be the good " in BNC.

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1 So the injunction to directors is that they must act bona fide in what they , and not the court , thinks are the best interests of the company .
2 The women 's game is much more open today and Gabriela Sabatini has been the best player on the women 's tour this year .
3 ‘ I think Neville Southall has been the best goalkeeper in England for a long time , but now he has been joined by others like David Seaman , Tony Coton and Chris Woods .
4 The ones you want are the good long ones are n't they ?
5 Bassett said : ‘ What directors and fans sometimes forget is the good times a manager has given them . ’
6 He said : ‘ What directors and fans sometimes forget is the good times a manager has given them . ’
7 What I want is the best government for Rhodesia . ’
8 I am trying , within the context of the debate , to identify how we can move forward from the 1990s to the 21st century , the problems that we as a nation will have to face , our relationship with Europe and how we can learn from the nations that we have said are the best , such as Germany , and develop a sound strategic regional policy .
9 The size and volume of the contracts secured is the best safeguard for the future of the coal industry .
10 And yet above that and beyond that what you were seeking to do was not just to serve the Board of World Mission and Unity , it was to serve what you believed was the good and right for the church of god which you have sought to serve and to support and to take further .
11 At the age of 77 he still trains regularly , keeping fit he says was the best part of his career .
12 Idea-having is the best antidote to the common problem of going round in circles ( see Going round in circles on page 76 ) .
13 He was another butcher , you see , he bought the other cart and my father kept the best , this cart you 've got was the best cart , yeah .
14 Late risers always exasperate early risers like myself , who hate to miss what they know is the best part of the day .
15 Streamline is the best beginner 's course on the market . ’
16 He added : ‘ Short term relief or a good night 's sleep to help you recover is the best you can expect . ’
17 Being lunged is the best possible way to establish an independent seat .
18 I was still not allowed out of doors , except on the lawn on fine days , and it must not have been the good luck of many ‘ fishy ’ characters to have had their letters posted by one of ‘ Their Lordships . ’
19 In the circumstances I should have been the good daughter , studious and uninterested in boyfriends .
20 He could have been the best footballer in the world if he 'd have bothered turning up and stuff , ’ Gedge told Sounds .
21 ‘ It should have been the best holiday of our lives but it was terrible , ’ said Deborah , also 24 .
22 It was a big house , at least four good bedrooms , and the garden must have been the best part of two acres .
23 ‘ He was the worst leader of what should have been the best cause in the world . ’
24 With Senator McCarthy 's campaign against treason in the State Department having just got under way this may hardly have been the best time for dispassionate analysis although , if it is not too academic a point , one can not help comparing these propositions with an earlier assessment ( 13 October 1948 ) .
25 Those nerve-racking hours , with the armies drawn up in battle array in sight of each other , can hardly have been the best of times for a calm discussion of the problem of the succession .
26 ‘ It would have been the best thing you could ever have done for me .
27 It should have been the best day of my career but it turned into a nightmare . ’
28 He declared that the ANC and its allies wanted " peace and democracy " and that " if the government … responds in the same spirit , our action will have been the best thing that could have happened to the negotiations process " .
29 Well presumably with , what we 're trying to do is create some sort of alternative family units , we do n't want , although , er , laudable what the youth service does , is , we would n't want , if they do n't want to plugged , clubbable together , if , if , if , if the , the unit could provide that , or provide alternatives to pick up the , the correlation between that and , and ordinary normal family unit , I would hope that that would have been the best way forward , erm , er , because often some youngsters are in this situation because they , they have n't found the , that sort of provision has been helpful for them .
30 Even though its evolutionary course was eventually destined to lead it into the complicated and probably costly distortions involved in having two eyes on one side , even though the skate way of being a flat fish might ultimately have been the best design for bony fish too , the would-be intermediates that set out along this evolutionary pathway apparently did less well in the short term than their rivals lying on their side .
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