Example sentences of "[verb] the [noun sg] is " in BNC.

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1 The way in which changes in money supply influence the economy is a fiercely debated subject in macroeconomics .
2 HM Customs and Excise 's current method of forecasting the yield is to establish a relationship between aggregate yield and aggregate consumer expenditure , and project this forward given estimates of future consumer expenditure from the Treasury model .
3 ‘ No , but I 've been giving it a lot of thought , and it seems to me that the person who fits the bill is … ’
4 The software also computes the depth that the article will take , space can be added for photographs if needed , and when everything fits the article is queued for printing .
5 The justification usually advanced is that the facts are rarely in dispute and that the judge who has witnessed the incident is the person best equipped to deal with it .
6 The liquidator 's objective in pursuing the appeal is clearly to maximise the sale price of the estate for the benefit of the bank .
7 The ‘ runners ’ are carp that have realised the bait is suspicious and bolted off with it in fright .
8 By the way , had you ever realised the name is Saxon by origin ?
9 Once that is completed the Captain is joined by Corporal L for a planning conference on a forthcoming job of clearing some derelict houses of a suspect IED .
10 The idea , however , that the rebels aimed to kill the King is unlikely — not only did the rebels show a positive loyalty to him at Mile End and Smithfield , and adopt as a watchword ‘ King Richard and the True Commons ’ , but they made no attempt to take vengeance on him for the death of Wat Tyler , when he could have been at their mercy .
11 ‘ Efter we get alang here a wee bit , ye come tae a loch , then roon' the bend is a castle , then we cairry oan up the road a bit till we cam tae anither loch … ’
12 The fact that the receiver of a gift hates the giver is commonplace : the gift does nothing to remove the material for envy ; on the contrary , the act of giving becomes both a justification for the envy and an additional ground for feeling it .
13 In all humanities disciplines the computer is used in an endeavour to replace intuition with quantification .
14 If you listen to early Whitesnake records the bass is quite light in the mix , but it 's a very definite sound , and the strings had a lot to do with that .
15 Naming the problem is a crucial step in explaining the phenomena at issue .
16 Maintaining the building is covered by the State grant , but there is very little left over for anything else .
17 Achieving such a comfortable blend of Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde is unique , and maintaining the balance is entirely the pilot 's responsibility .
18 Whether the cube has already been jumbled or has been carefully preserved , we will realise by now that one way to restore the cube is ‘ just ’ to reverse the moves we made .
19 The activity of cable burning , that is the burning of insulation from cable with a view to recovering the metal is a source of obnoxious odours .
20 Now , they 're not too bad , the form tutors agreed the trouble is though I 've got one in English George which is not too far away one in science but it 's that end of science
21 With pull-out load torque applied the system is in unstable equilibrium , since any small increase in load retards the rotor , but this now leads to a reduction in motor torque .
22 The technical accomplishment with which she plays the music is startling enough , but there is an even more surprising maturity and musicality in her interpretation .
23 But the team that plays the Dutch is playing for the future — for the 1992 European finals . ’
24 The penalty for breaching the section is that the allottees become liable to pay for the shares allotted to them in cash , with interest at the appropriate rate ( CA 1985 , s103(6) ) .
25 Just how many made the passage is a matter of considerable argument , but a figure of around 2 million will do .
26 Perfection is in the eye of the beholder , but Paul Clarke reckons that it does n't help if the beholder who made the piece is over critical of the workmanship .
27 Police , social services and hospital staff stress the youngster is in excellent health and unharmed and it is obvious her mother has looked after her very well .
28 HOG members stress the group is concerned only with generic definitions , and whilst OSF is said to be taking a lead role in new work , HOG members have already agreed to endorse those previously established by the Network Management Forum .
29 The advantage of using the computer is that the answers are confirmed immediately rather than after the whole passage has been completed .
30 Using the toilet is a private affair , and many residents object very strongly if a member of staff watches them , or remains within earshot while they are in the lavatory .
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