Example sentences of "[verb] be [v-ing] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Genetic Engineering : This is a first attempt to legislate in this area , currently dealt with by voluntary codes of practice , because science has been moving quicker than the law makers .
2 The Co Londonderry school has been promoting greater European awareness since September and has arranged two foreign trips to mark their continued efforts .
3 The result of all these changes is two-fold , that the UK has been getting richer , but not as fast as the rest of the industrialized world .
5 He says that the river has been getting cleaner over the years so this is a setback .
6 He says that the river has been getting cleaner over the years so this is a setback .
7 Colchester and North East Essex Headway , which is affiliated to the National Head Injuries Association , has been seeking larger premises for some time .
8 The rise means that wealth has been increasing faster than incomes .
9 The proportion of one parent families dependent on supplementary benefit/income support has been increasing faster than the increase in the number of one parent families .
10 And he 'd been getting worse , no doubt about that .
11 Though I can see why you must find that disappointing … ’ she let her gaze drift over his white trousers and faded T-shirt , the same white trousers and faded T-shirt he 'd been wearing earlier ‘ … after all the trouble you 've gone to changing for me . ’
12 NEIL Kinnock and the party he leads are looking better than they have done at any time since he took office in 1983 .
13 Perhaps they should have been using better cutlery , thought Robert , or calling Hasan ‘ sir ’ and making sure he had the best chair .
14 Oxford United 's boy wonder … two more goals against Millwall won the headlines last saturday and the queue of premier league clubs coming to watch is growing longer
15 Yet even in those halcyon days the signs of trouble were there for those with the will to see them : the multi-media and multi-disciplinary avant-gardes were beginning to show up every NEA programme area ; the clamour for the funding of life-styles rather than art as traditionally defined was becoming louder , and the accepted definitions of art and the arts were everywhere coming under attack in grant applications as well as in panels .
16 Matilda was the first English princess since the seventh century whose year of birth is precisely known ; as for her youthful marriage , this appears to have been becoming commoner as marriage alliances were sought with ever more reckless haste by the great dynasts of the twelfth century .
17 • It was the year , too , when I decided my fish had been eating better than I had .
18 It was then getting on for three in the morning , but in the last quarter of an hour things had been getting better .
19 Over the past few years , that phobia had been getting worse .
20 But the ‘ cat and mouse ’ feeling had been growing stronger , ever since yesterday 's confrontation in his office and the subsequent tour of the marina .
21 The plan contained no provisions for the long-term clean-up that would have been necessary if the tanker had been carrying heavier crude .
22 Rovers had been feeling better on Monday , November 1 , when the F.A .
23 If she had been feeling fitter and healthier , she certainly would have been better equipped to deal with the stresses , and to control her weight gain before it got out of hand .
24 But I 've been getting faster as the years go by .
25 ‘ Like all hospitals , we do n't have as much money as we would like but generally speaking things for us have been getting better , ’ she said .
26 A spokeswoman for the independent Kings Fund Institute said : ‘ There 's a myth that old people have been getting fitter .
27 Since the end of the Second World War people have been getting fatter .
28 In common with families in general , one parent families have been getting smaller .
29 Business fluctuations have been getting larger and larger .
30 While the strongest ( American , United and Delta ) have been getting stronger , the weakest ( Pan Am , Continental and Eastern ) went bankrupt .
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