Example sentences of "[verb] be [adj] she " in BNC.

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1 Since she has been grown-up she has told me how she remembers those Saturday mornings and how she loved them .
2 Low blood-pressure had been an unexpected side-effect of the glandular fever , but she 'd been sure she 'd come through all that .
3 It was a dress she 'd bought at Kelly 's urging , even though she 'd been positive she 'd never find occasion to wear it .
4 ‘ If what I hear is true she 's sharpening her claws on her daughter-in-law these days , ’ said Rose .
5 I mean be thankful she 's not like that .
6 If she 'd set her mind on something she thought was right she would want it done immediately .
7 If everyone had been like she was the human race would have died out long ago .
8 She no longer needed to jump in the swimming pool to raise £5 , though if it had been necessary she would probable have done it : " You believe in God but you also use every means possible to raise funds .
9 The family had been odd she remembered ; their accent was more up market , and they had formal , stiff manners , unlike the relaxed style and broad accents of the Glaswegian neighbourhood .
10 For an ugly moment I had been convinced she had guessed the real reason for my avid professional interest in Bill Francis .
11 If her grandfather 's grave had been open she would have thrown herself in .
12 At one time Robert had been afraid she would become too tall for the stage , but her height remained ideal at five foot six .
13 As far as Marcus had been concerned she had succeeded too well , she admitted as she paid cursory attention to the long dark lashes fringing her clear grey eyes .
14 When she was fastened to my fist people really scared her , whereas if she had been free she would have been able to take evasive action .
15 ‘ If her marriage had been happy she might well have been philosophical about the new baby , ’ her lawyer said .
16 For as long as I have been conscious she has been out there in front of me , dodging arrows , triggering ambushes ; doubling back to brief me on the safest and fastest route forward .
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