Example sentences of "[verb] be [verb] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Genetic Engineering : This is a first attempt to legislate in this area , currently dealt with by voluntary codes of practice , because science has been moving quicker than the law makers .
2 The Co Londonderry school has been promoting greater European awareness since September and has arranged two foreign trips to mark their continued efforts .
3 One of the main causes of recurrent famine throughout Ethiopia is the problem of massive deforestation , although in the regions of Wollo , Tigray and Eritrea it has been made worse by war .
4 Many who invested in UK-based Barlow Clowes Gilt Managers and its Gibraltar sister operation , Barlow Clowes International , were elderly people whose plight has been made worse by the loss of their savings .
5 An inadequate system has been made worse by the Government 's decision that it will no longer accept responsibility for collecting maintenance unless there have been irregular payments .
6 We have not seen any patients whose physical pain has been made worse by morphine or diamorphine , nor are we aware of any good evidence that this occurs .
7 The confusion about the project has been made worse by the Government 's vacillation and indecision , and also by their lack of answers to my hon. Friends about where the finance for the project will come from .
8 This lacuna has been made worse by the ILO 's lack of jurisdiction to examine South African labour legislation since South Africa resigned from the Organisation in 1964 .
9 Some writers have argued that the problem of overload has been made worse by the centralization of government decision-making .
10 But the hard part of making the original design has been made easier by using Creation 6 .
11 The re-examination of NVOCC related rules has been made easier by the FMC regulations implementing the 1984 Shipping Act , as amended in 1990 .
12 Monitoring of large rivers has been made easier by a new device , which tells scientists where fish are lurking .
13 The result is that short field performance has been addressed , the propeller pitch has been made finer , reducing the take-off roll to some 804 feet ( hard surface ) , and cutting the cruise performance by a few knots to around 100 .
14 Like Peru , it has been made poorer by persistent misgovernment .
15 Colour micronization — means the colour pigments and other powdery ingredients in the make-up , traditionally a large and irregular size and shape , has been made smaller and more uniform for a softer product texture and more even colour application .
16 That possibility has been given greater prominence by subsequent development since T. 's mother has recently left this area and joined T. 's father in his new life in another county .
17 The main effect of the 1980 Act has been to reinforce earlier borrowing controls by expenditure controls , thereby bringing ‘ all capital spending [ by local authorities ] within the scope of control ’ ( Travers , 1986 , p. 142 ) .
18 The result of all these changes is two-fold , that the UK has been getting richer , but not as fast as the rest of the industrialized world .
20 He says that the river has been getting cleaner over the years so this is a setback .
21 He says that the river has been getting cleaner over the years so this is a setback .
22 Another tactic has been to give greater scope to consumers vis-à-vis public sector groups .
23 The net effect of these measures has been to give greater autonomy to the central government .
24 Furthermore , one way of saving money has been to allow larger classes , with severe overcrowding in some urban primary classrooms .
25 Colchester and North East Essex Headway , which is affiliated to the National Head Injuries Association , has been seeking larger premises for some time .
26 The rise means that wealth has been increasing faster than incomes .
27 The proportion of one parent families dependent on supplementary benefit/income support has been increasing faster than the increase in the number of one parent families .
28 And he 'd been getting worse , no doubt about that .
29 Though I can see why you must find that disappointing … ’ she let her gaze drift over his white trousers and faded T-shirt , the same white trousers and faded T-shirt he 'd been wearing earlier ‘ … after all the trouble you 've gone to changing for me . ’
30 NEIL Kinnock and the party he leads are looking better than they have done at any time since he took office in 1983 .
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