Example sentences of "[verb] the way [pron] " in BNC.

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1 How , for example , education , culture , psychological and physiological factors influence the way we react to an image .
2 The reasons for which it is drawn influence the way it is drawn .
3 I 'm gon na write and say and seeing that they 're going to reorganize the way they 're gon na collect the community charge , you know , they 're gon na do it on houses
4 On temporarily sober reflection , I think I 'd better just stay the way I am , and settle for the occasional bursts of adulation down the pub .
5 ‘ She hates the way everyone goes on in England .
6 Briant might despise the job , despise the way they presented facts to the gawping idiot public , but he could recognize ability when he saw it .
7 They divided the way we communicate with each other into.three categories and called these Parent , Adult and Child .
8 Along the way they 're also finding new ways to optimise the way their organisations manage the use of spreadsheets .
9 In other words , the guitar is going to sound the way it wants to sound , and there 's not a lot you can do about it .
10 ‘ Well , whereas the rest of the passengers were basically gearing up to tear my girlfriend and me to bits if we continued to go the way we were going — you get a kind of cabin fever on these flights between Australia and England — this Christian and his wife decided to adopt us , I guess as a kind of test for themselves .
11 I 'm just askin' for to go the way you 're goin' to ;
12 I 'm sorry he had to go the way he did , but it was always going to happen , the sort of man he was .
13 She must be careful to betray it as little as possible if the interview were to go the way she wanted .
14 I did n't mean it to go the way it did .
15 Drawing feathers becomes easier when you perceive the way they often form into well defined masses .
16 The occasional comment one hears that Parker plays the way he is here simply because he was by that time a seasoned performer and recording artist is not really to the point ; Parker was a naturally developmental musician .
17 Furthermore , a reinvestigation involving the same suspects and witnesses can not be independent of the original investigation because the experience of the original investigation will influence the way they behave in any further investigation .
18 In a way his personality does influence the way I would vote , because I think I can trust him . ’
19 Would that have altered the way he 'd always felt about her ?
20 As I have altered the way I teach mathematics , I have found pupils have been more highly motivated and have demonstrated skills I had not suspected they possessed .
21 But , first , what characteristics of individuals have been found to affect the way they behave at work ?
22 More importantly , close examination of the practice uncovers fundamental issues which are beginning to seep through from the pages of research journals to the consciousness of many individual teachers in the classroom , and to affect the way they see their role .
23 It is bound to affect the way we handle real and potential conflict situations , as much as dislike of fresh air and exercise may contribute to deciding for a family camping holiday or not .
24 Yes , I told the King of imminent danger but , given the way he charged round his kingdom in the dead of night , even the court fool could have warned him just as accurately . ’
25 His violent death was only a matter of course given the way he lived .
26 The head waiter opened the door and Comfort preceded the two men out , enjoying the way her long black skirt swung about her legs and showed off her slender ankles and new , high-heeled shoes .
27 I ca n't reproduce the way he talks — you 'll have to listen to him for yourself — but he just sort of zooms off .
28 Let us enhance the way you live in as natural a way as possible .
29 The right has reasoned the way it always does .
30 The defamiliarizing principle in art has exactly the same effect on its material ‘ ingredients ’ : it subordinates and transforms the way they are in non-literary circumstances .
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