Example sentences of "[verb] [indef pn] [conj] come " in BNC.

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1 Tethered in the deep spaces on either side of the stove were the two dogs , Lady and Rosie , one a short-sighted bulldog of uncertain temperament , the other a bloody-minded Great Dane bent on demolishing or devouring everything that came within reach of her snapping teeth .
2 He fixed his mind on a rule his father had given him for public speaking : Get a vague plan and then say anything that comes into your head .
3 The problem is presented to them , and then they think about it for a minute , and then they say anything that comes into their head .
4 he says anything that comes into his head .
5 No , you need n't do anything except come back in and write your report .
6 The cage is made of wire mesh with a sloping floor , and the hens can not do anything that comes naturally to them , such as stretch their wings , scratch around , dustbathe or perch .
7 Well I 've got one that came with erm Timeworks which is , it works properly and
8 And sometimes they 've got one that comes on a test run with a camera strapped onto them and you come
9 Well what I would what I would do erm I would rather have a commitment for a date to start when you go out of here and if you say if you 've got if you 've got something that comes up then fine .
10 They photograph everybody that comes in and out .
11 He seemed to know how to do everything that came with running a resort and he did n't seem to mind doing any of it .
12 Hazel and his companions had spent the night doing everything that came unnaturally to them , and this for the first time .
13 Randomness , which again is something that has a precise meaning in this context and certainly not equivalent to " take anyone that comes along " , is necessary to ensure that the estimate of the population value is unbiased .
14 He plunged himself into all this and more , avidly reading everything that came his way ; especially poetry , and not least Spanish , Chinese and Japanese poets in translation , but chiefly that of Federico Garçia Lorca and W.B. Yeats , of whom he mused , ‘ I loved Yeats ; his connections ( such an important code-word with Leonard ! ) his rhythms . ’
15 Dic , Our Daddy , walked away from it and ended up moving between his daughters — ‘ You never noticed him if he did n't speak ’ — putting a shilling on the horses , reading anything that came to hand , off on his benders , neglecting all his children and loved and welcomed by all his daughters , a kind of successful King Lear of the Welsh coalfields .
16 To even the odds , use anything that comes to hand .
17 ‘ It 's nice to be able to say that I saw that big right coming but Ruddock did n't , in fact I do n't think he saw anything that came his way .
18 A team from the Bureau 's anti-terrorist squad flew out from Quantico , Virginia , a week beforehand to take charge of the arrangements and Hamadan placed his final call to Younis in Beirut , telling him to drop everything and come at once .
19 ‘ I mean that , when the client suggested giving our sales force a taste of the product they were selling , I had to put it all together at ultra-short notice — and the only way I managed to get my people to drop everything and come was by stressing how much I relied on each of them individually .
20 ‘ Pop , ’ she continues , ‘ is just about making something that comes across in a simple way .
21 He forgets something and comes back .
22 You either keep in the light where you can see , or you stand in the dark and fight everything that comes near you , because you can not see and you think it 's an enemy . ’
23 Morals began to lose their meaning and people said anything that came into their heads , the sort of thing that used to appear in books as a row of stars or be written down on slips of paper and handed to judges in court .
24 It seemed to them that he said anything that came into his head .
25 ‘ I see everyone that comes in but few of them are right , ’ says Sarah .
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