Example sentences of "[verb] [been] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 it came , it did it almost came to a halt again and it could 've been dangerous as well you , children in the back , two children in the back !
2 ‘ If it 'd been my missus , I 'd 've been relieved that someone else was taking an interest .
3 It would 've been awful if they 'd found my things in the car . ’
4 You 'd 've been alright if it 'd 've been a mass murderer slept for years .
5 I hate to think how much money I have paid over to Anglia Gas if I 'd known what I was into I could have walked into that house then and I could , while I had all that money before I gave any away I could have said , right , I 'm going to have to spend that , that , that , that and that and I would have done it and it would have I would 've been alright because I would n't have had things going wrong !
6 morning , but it must 've been alright because er he was going off with David , I said you got tablets for him and she said yeah plenty of stuff for him , anyway , he seemed , he looked alright anyhow
7 ‘ You must 've been surprised when I answered the door . ’
8 President Mitterrand of France ( and he 's not alone in this ) has been anxious that too swift a move to reunify the two Germanys could destabilise Gorbachev , something that could spell disaster not only for the West but for the balance of world power .
9 A girl who has been shy or awkward can become quite self-possessed as she cares for her new baby .
10 Lord Lane personally rejected the second appeal of the Birmingham Six in January 1988 saying , in words which returned to haunt him : ‘ As with many cases referred by the Home Secretary to the Court of Appeal , the longer the case has gone on , the more this court has been convinced that the jury was correct . ’
11 There are hopes that help may be forthcoming later , once the SAC has been convinced that the orchestra 's recent problems have been resolved .
12 A pharmaceutical salesperson will discuss with doctors the problems which have arisen with patient treatment ; perhaps an ointment has been ineffective or a harmful side-effect has been discovered .
13 Speed has been essential because the Secretary of State 's timetable is formidable ( see below ) .
14 He said : ‘ Up to now , the Irish-American lobby in the US has been unfocused and largely impotent in relation to the Anglo-Irish conflict .
15 Moreover , the process of financial liberalization in Japan has been gradual and therefore a simple ( 0 , 1 ) dummy variable will not suffice .
16 For nearly twenty centuries , the figure known as Judas Iscariot — Judas the Sicarius — has been accursed and despised , cast in the role of most heinous of villains .
17 In practice , the MMC has sometimes reported against foreign takeovers as contrary to the public interest , but the reasoning has been other than a desire to stifle competition ( e.g. the report on Government of Kuwait/British Petroleum , 1988 , which decided that it was contrary to the public interest for the Government of Kuwait to gain a major shareholding in BP ) .
18 We are looking at that , but to suggest that there has been other than a clear and steady increase in available services would be a travesty of the truth .
19 However , it has been good that , thanks to the work of Ronnie Martin and his helpers , we have been able to have some use of the building on Sundays for our expanding Learning Together programme .
20 The response from Medau teachers has been good but we can still take a few more .
21 We do not actually know , of course , if this effect has been good or bad ; but the tourists keep coming , potential undergraduates keep applying and companies do relocate into the area .
22 Bill Clinton has been sworn-in as President of the United States pledging a new spirit of innovation .
23 Reports on the armed conflict in the former Yugoslavia , however , suggest not only that rape and the sexual abuse of women have been carried out on a massive scale , but that it has been systematic and organised .
24 Hampden Babylon is unmistakably Scottish in its love of football but like all love-affairs , Scotland 's relationship with the game has been stormy and impetuous .
25 Separately , the company moved Richard Poulsen over to become president of Digital Europe , a post that has been vacant since Pier Carlo Falotti quit in June to join Ask Computer Systems Inc .
26 The learning process from this project has been invaluable and it 's allowed Save The Children to move forward in several other countries .
27 She feels the union has been ineffectual and even the so-called industrial action four years ago when members refused to set or mark exam papers seemed , quite unjustifiably , to be taking things out on the students .
28 But the Conservative response to that proposition has been uncertain and diffuse .
29 Because mature teeth are far less complex , biologically , than most tissues , restoration of their shape and function has been straightforward and David Watts discusses the use of certain polymers and composites for this purpose .
30 Platt , who has yet to make his Italian League debut for Juventus , said : ‘ My nose has been X-rayed and confirmed as broken , although I thought I was fit enough to play today .
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